Sunday, August 4, 2013

Email from August 4

Encourage every single Youth, especially Laurels and Priests to go out with the missionaries! They need the help of members! Also, tell the missionaries that you could be open to hosting a FHE if there is a family that lives close, as long as you guys have a big heads up. Members plus Missionaries equals converts for life! I definitely know the problem with being a 'cute missionary' ;) hahaha. Just kidding, kind of. Since I'm a Gringo (Norte Americano), people just like to talk to me. Especially the young women when we contact doors and stuff. It's really hard to focus on the Spirit when they're focused on something else. But oh well, that's why we focus on families!

So, I've been reading all of the Conference talks (in Spanish). They are fantastic!!! Elder Cardon's 'El Salvador Desea Perdonar', Elder Clayton's 'Marriage: Watch and Learn' (for all people, especially my siblings and parents! ;)), for the Young Women, the talk by Sister Dalton, and the talk by Elder Bednar 'We Believe in Being Chaste'. Yea, I love these conference talks.

So, we found these two ladies, Gladys and Claudia. They live in these apartment type of buildings. We taught lesson 1, about the Restoration. At the end, we invited them to church. Claudia was like yea, i'm going to come, for sure. then gladys said that she wasn't sure because she had her own church. Claudia turned to Gladys and said, i'm going to this church, and you're coming with me! and i'm bring my husband. we're all going to go to this church, ok? Then Claudia turned back to us like we couldn't hear anything and said, calmly and collected, we're coming. It was so funny! So I felt they had a lot of promise to coming to church. We visited them Sunday morning before church, and they said they were coming. When church came around, nothing. They didn't even show. Awesome.

We have church at 2 in the afternoon. This past Sunday, there was a Stake Priesthood Meeting at the Stake Center at 4. So we only had one hour of church! Then we went out and worked, because we're not allowed to go to those meetings unless we're specifically invited.

One day, we went tracting in the rain. It literally ran steady for straight hours. And, of course, I left my umbrella at home. So Aragon and I were out knocking doors, having no success, being soaked!! We were both so cold. When we got home, I was soaked to the bone, literally. It was crazy.

So, I don't remember if I told you about Marina Carvajal. She lives in Boston but was down here visiting family that is a less active family. We taught her lesson 1 and what not. Then the second time we went and visited her, she basically said that when she gets back to the states, she will find the church, attend, and that she has a desire to be baptized. Of course, someone that doesn't live in our area says this. But that's ok!

People here love to wear shirts from America. Like one day, I saw a little girl, 2 or 3, wearing a shirt that said 'The Chicks Dig Me'. Uhh, I don't think you know what that means.

One day, we taught 20 lessons!! 20! That's the new record for this District. The old record was 16. 20 is crazy!

I've been teaching Aragon some slang English. He really likes the word 'Dude' and the frase 'dude, that's sick!' It's so funny.

On Sunday, the guys on the bus didn't ask us for bus fare! Yea! we tried to pay but they denied since it was Sunday and we're missionaries. I love it!

Yesterday morning, we found out about transfers. WE'RE NOT BEING CHANGED! We have 6 more weeks together here in Caminero. Which is good, I want to baptize in every area on my mission, so we're going to work hard.

Luis Pablo, an investigator, is amazing. He has had a really hard life. He's only 25, his wife has passed away, he has a little kid, and he has done some bad things in his life, made a lot of mistakes, and has a lot of guilt. We went to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ (faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End). We ended up teaching this, and the Plan of Salvation. Luis was crying during the lesson, and the Spirit was so strong. We really explained that this is a Gospel of Hope. I love that, because it really is.

I ate liver last night! And it was so good! Super tender and everything.

I know Joseph Smith was a prophet, without a doubt. I read DyC 78, and DyC 130. So beautiful. He was a prophet that received real revelation. I have never really had a doubt, especially since the trip to Palmyra. DyC is beautiful!

I love you guys so much!

I am so thankful for everything yall do. I pray for you often, and I feel the strength of your prayers!

Love yall!!
--Elder Hunt

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