Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Email from Aug 20

That's so great that Chris graduated! Mom, your kids are pretty awesome, you and dad did a good job. 1 kid has served missions, 2 kids are serving right now, 2 kids are married in the temple, 1 kid has a little family centered around Christ. One day, you'll have 4 kids with temple marriages and little families centered around Christ. Not many people can say that!

So we've found this family with a potential like 13 baptisms. So many people live in this house, but they still have yet to attend church even though they seem SO positive.

Speaking of a crazy storm out in Utah. We had a good storm here. It all went down on Friday night. We were out working and it was about 5. It started to rain pretty good. Aw yea, life of a missionary! Then it started to get pretty windy. Windy enough to break my umbrella! Aw yea, life of a missionary. So we're out working, soaked to the bone. We're contacting people at doors, but afraid to enter because we're soaked! Then at 7, the lights blow out. ALL the lights. In the whole city, in the neighboring city, in the capital. All lights! So here we are. Pouring rain, howling wind, no lights, and nowhere to go-can't return home until 9, can't teach people without lights! So we go to our cook's house and try to wait it out. We thought it'd be 30 minutes without lights (the thing stopping us from working). It turned out to be until 10 without lights. That night, we returned home at 9 with no lights. We did planning that night by the light of our camera screens. Aw yea, life of a missionary! So, moral of the story, umbrella broke, soaking wet, no lights, lost with nowhere to go! I loved it. Reminded me a little of Hurricane Katrina! Except Katrina was way more destructive. This storm did knock over a wall though! haha, it was fantastic!

This past Sunday, I had to talk!! This was the 3rd talk of my mission. 2 in the CCM, 1 in the field! Crazy! When the Bishop came up to me, he was like 'somebody fell through, can you talk for us?' of course i tried to deny it, but finally, i accepted. I had like 2 minutes to prepare. I related DyC 103:9, DyC 115:5, and Mateo 5:14-16. It was a pretty sweet talk. 100% Spanish! At the end of Sacrament meeting, a lot of people came up to me and told me how awesome it was. My cook was like 'wow, i had no idea your Spanish was that good!' (Sweet!) Then some recent return missionaries came up to me. They were like, how much time do you have in the mission. When I said only 8 weeks in the streets of Guatemala, they were like 'WOW. You're Spanish is Fantastic!' It made me feel really good. I'm smiling inside just thinking about it!

We met one of my favorite investigators to this point. His name is Bairon. He let us in and we sat down to talk. He had heard the missionaries before, but it had been a while. At the very beginning, he asks for our opinions on the resurreccion (don't know how to spell that in English) (resurrection). But just opinions, not with scriptures. We explained that's impossible. He wanted to know what we thought about specific details. All I know about the resurreccion is based off the scriptures, so that's what we explained. He went on to tell us his beliefs. He's not Evangelic, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, or Mormon. He doesn't believe in the Bible, it was written by the hand of man. He doesn't believe Christ is the Son of God. He believes in God. And he believes in Evolution. You might be wondering, 'how do you believe in God and Evolution?' My question exactly. That's not possible!! But at the end of the lesson, he turned to my companion, 'you won't understand this, you're from here in Guatemala'. Then he turned to me and asked me about the RLDS and FLDS churches and stuff. I was able to answer his questions and explain the story simply and briefly. This guy, what a hoot!

I got some pouch on Sunday. 2 of dad's letters (the 21st and 28th of July). The picture that I sent like my first day in the field with me and my comp, is the comp I have now. That's Elder Aragon. I'll send it again though, even though i don't know if you'll get it in time for the activity. But also, in pouch, I got a letter thing from family out in Utah! Yea! It was awesome and makes me smile. I'll attach a picture. And I got a letter from a friend serving in Honduras. The joy that comes to a missionary when they receive a handwritten letter! I need more of those! (Can you contact Allision Marshall and Katie Coleman through my facebook and tell them to write me! And give them my address. Or give them my email and I'll tell them to write me!) Writing letters is way more fun than just emailing!

So i've been out here for a little while. I'm about to finish my first journal!! wow! Good thing I have 2 more! I'll finish this one this week, i presume. It's more exciting than it should be.

This past week, I read Alma 5. Talk about pondering some questions! Like what it says in verses 26 and 27. If you have felt this joy once in your life that this is the truth and what not, Can you feel so now? And in 27, if your time came to die right now, would you be ready? Whoa!! I can say yes to the first question, no doubt. Personally, I think I'm ready to say yes to the second. One, because I'm a missionary. And a worthy missionary will go straight to the Celestial Kingdom! And two, I want to follow the example of Abinadi, and if appropriate, seal my testimony with my blood. But hopefully that day will be when I'm like 95 and lived a full life! I know the church is true. I know it. I don't feel, think, or believe. I know it.

 I love you guys and think of you often and pray for you always! Don't worry about me. I'm safe. I'm happy. I'm a missionary! The mission is hard, but it's so worth it.

Se cuida!!

--Elder Hunt

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