Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pictures from Antigua and his 6 month celebration

Before digging in to their food

Getting the ties ready to burn

Set them on fire!

Artistic photo of the ties burning

Email from Nov 17

 This Past week, we went to a place of Guatemala called Antigua! I can't really say Antigua! without the exclammation mark. It was awesome. It was a good little time to relax a little bit and enjoy Guatemala. We went to a restaurante called Monoloco, or Crazy Monkey. We ordered a HUGE plate of nachos to share between the two of us. Chris would have loved them, because I know I did. In Antigua, we saw a ton of white people. I was excited to go up and talk to them in English. But really, where are they from? FRANCE! I want a BoM in French-to learn a little bit again. They were super funny. And clearly looked like Europeans.

Also, I celebrated 6 months! So, what did we do? We burned ties and ate pizza! I attached pictures and tried a little video of this but the video didn't send, just the pictures. It was super fun. We got through about 4 ties or so. Awesome! It's been a hard 6 months. Sure, I haven't had the most success with baptisms and what not. But I've had the most success with changing my thoughts and personality. I really have developed patience, humility, and charity. I rely more on the Lord now than I ever had in the past. In these 6 months, I've been in the CCM, went through training, had emergency changes and received a really hard companion. It feels like I just started. These next 18 months will be a blur.

This past week, we taught a Pastor! While out knocking doors, we saw this man working outside of a church. We didn't expect to contact him, because he was busy. But as we walked by, he stopped us to talk. He asked me where I'm from and when he found out I'm from the States, he just gave me a hug! Before I even knew his name. We then proceeded to talk to him. He invited us into his church and asked to hear our message. He is super nice. He didn't even want to Bible Bash--thank goodness, I hate having to put these people in their place, but I've got to do it. One day we'll stop by again to see if he read the pamphlet and prayed about it. Interesting.

What's the way to make hard boiled eggs? Do I make the water boil first? How much time in the hot water? I know it's super simple, that's why I want to do it.

Companionship Inventories. Where companions talk openly and freely about everything. They're super hard. If it was up to Elder Gomez, we would never have them. But, we're supposed to. This past Sunday, the Spirit prompted me hardcore to have a companionship inventory with him. My heart started to beat super fast and I got quite nervous. But once I started to talk, I settled down and we were really able to discuss the things that needed to be discussed. We went for about 35 minutes discussing these things--that's a long time. But it was good for us.

Read the Book of Mormon. Everyday. I challenge people to do it, and I need to know that my family is doing it also. Pray always. Continue to grow and grow in your knowledge of the the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Share the gospel with friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Be awesome.

--Elder Hunt

Email from Nov 10

 My companion and I are getting better. Now we only fight like once every 2 or 3 days. Little by little, we're getting better. Thanks to this experience, I've been becoming the best missionary. Like Nefi in 2 Nefi 4, I'm starting to abhor the appearance of sin or disobedience. Right now, I just can't bring myself to be disobedient. Like the other day, My alarm went off at 5:52 like always. He never hears it (or if he does, doesn't do anything). I could have just rolled over and gone back to sleep, but my conscience wouldn't let me. So at 5:53, I leaped out of bed and prayed asking forgiveness for the thoughts to break a rule of sleeping past 6:30. It's beautiful. I love being obedient with exactness.

As a couple, whoever is reading this, read Doctrina y Convenions 132. Read it together, as a couple. And just realize how great and perfect is the plan of God. Families can be together forever. I'm so grateful and blessed that mine, thankful to the sealing powers of the priesthood in the temple, will be together forever. I look forward to the day when I will enter into the holy temple with my future wife. One day quite far from now, but one day.

Also, a scripture that has motivated me as a missionary this week Mosiah 28:3. It encourages me to talk to everyone that I see! This can also be applied to those of you that are members and not missionaries, talk to your friends about the church! Invite them to your house to have dinner and invite the missionaries too! These are your friends, neighbors, and colleagues! Do you desire that they perish and dwindle in unbelief like the Lamanites of old? I would hope not. Share the Gospel.

This past week, I had a great experience. I don't like to compare myself to Prophet Thomas S. Monson, but I have to do it. We were in a Family Home Evening with a family of Recent Converts. There's an 8 year old child. He began to copy everything I did. When I moved my foot, he moved his. When I moved my hands, he moved his. When I coughed, he coughed. I instantly thought of the story of President Monson when the same thing was happening with him and a little kid when he was on the stand and the little kid in the front row. So, what did President Monson do? He wiggled his ears and the child gave up. Thinking of this story, what did I do? I started to raise just one eyebrow and make my eyebrows dance. He couldn't do it. He burst into laughter and ran out of the room. He returned after a short span with his face red. Elder Hunt: 1 Victor Ajcuc: 0. Victory was mine.

I love yall a lot. The church is true. This is the Lord's work. The work of the Lord will never be frustrated. The work of man, yes. Joseph Smith was a prophet and Thomas Spencer Monson is a prohet of God.

Love yall!

--Elder Hunt

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Email from Nov 3

 The situation with the companion hasn't gotten any easier. Presidente Brough told me that, if I want, I can invite Presidente Brough over to have a Companionship Inventory and also Companionship Study. I want to take him up on it because it would be insanely awesome to have Companionship Study with Presidente Brough, but I don't think it'd be necessary. (Today we found out that like the 28th of this month, we'll have interviews again!). But anyway, on Sunday, Elder Gomez and I got in quite a big argument. 

You know your Spanish is getting good when you can yell and argue with your companion in Spanish and you can defeat him. It's fantastic. Also, because when we argue, it's because I'm correcting disobedience. (But my Spanish is improving every day!) This time was about using the phone and sending text messages. He gets really offended when I correct disobedience, but I've got to do it-it's my responsability. 

Right now, we're on Divisions with the Zone Leaders. I'm with an Elder Flores. We're just starting, so we have yet to have experiences.

I hope yall are all reading the Book of Mormon. As of lately, I've been reading DyC. It's fantastic. Right now, I'm at about 31 and have loved it until now. The Book of Mormon is true, and I have the privelege to testify of it at all times.

We have a baptism prepared and ready for this Sunday. His name is Jose Castro (if anyone wanted to mention him in their prayers). He's 13 and the brother of a recent convert of mine-Jaquelin Castro. He's super awesome and super excited to be baptized this Sunday. Before we officially taught him anything, he told us he wanted to be baptized because he's seen a change for the better in his sister. Also, Jose wants to be a missionary when he's older. How awesome!!! His trial-overcoming his friends that give him grief of the decisions he's making. But he's good to go for baptism this Sunday. It's hard to baptize here in El Caminero, but we're not giving up the hope or faith.

During these difficult times, I've found great comfort and peace in the beginning words of DyC 121 and all of 122. There is real power in the Scriptures. They are the words of God, so, if we are praying and worthy, He will talk to us through the scriptures. It's hard for me to remember what's been happening here in the past week. I just know it's all hard and I'm suffering a little. But, as it says in the scriptures, I must give thanks in all things (as it says in DyC 98) and suffer with patience and rejoice even! How crazy, to rejoice in affliction, but it must be done.

I would appreciate it if all of you members could write me a letter where you bear your testimony. And you nonmembers, invite the missionaries to your home at least one time so that you can know a little bit of what I'm sharing. At least once! Members, help the missionaries!! As President Monson said, now is the time that the missionaries and members work together! Mom and Dad, open the house up for a Family Home Evening with less actives or recent converts or investigators! Tell the missionaries that yall are willing and wanting to help in the work.

I love Guate! I can't talk English. The closest I can get is talking Spanglish. I want only Latino companions. I want to forget English and struggle when I get home and give my homecoming. Guatemala is the best place on Earth. It's not the safest, not the cleanest, not the most advanced, but that's not important. I've never found more humble people. I love Spanish. I LOVE GUATEMALA!!!

I love y'all. Stay safe. Remember who you are and what you stand for!

--Elder Hunt

By the way, Halloween doesn't exist here in Guate..at least not in El Caminero. It was a normal day. How sad. These kids have no idea what their missing! Not in America...

Email from Oct 27

We found out changes yesterday (monday) in the morning. We don't have changes!.... That means I'll enter my fourth change here in El Caminero. That's hard. I feel like I've knocked every door. But there are people here that I have to find and teach, so that's why I'm here. Now to work and find them. What's even harder? I'm still with Elder Gomez..These past four weeks have literally been the hardest of my life. I'm definitely feeling just like been. I'm sitting here, with my 'wicked companion' as they say in the mish. I've literally been working SOLO for these past 4 weeks. It's incredibly hard. I plan at night. I lead where we go. I make EVERY decision that has to be made. I do everything here and he just follows. It's so hard. You're prayers for this would be greatly appreciated. I literally pour my heart out to my Father in Heaven and at times it feels like He's not hearing me. I know he's always here and blessing me, that's why i've been able to tolerate it. I would just like some support from my companion.
He is my companion after all. But i'll focus on bettering myself. I'm here as a Representative of Jesus Christ. I can't afford to get upset or unfocused. There are plenty of stories and experiences of my difficulties with Elder Gomez, if you want to know them, ask me after the mission.. :)

Yesterday, for P-day, we played soccer with some young men in the ward and other missionaries. It was fantastic. I'll include pictures. I can safely say that I hold my own out there on the basketball-sized court soccer field of concrete. I might even able to say that I play better than some of these Latinos! A Gringo out teaching these Latinos how to play a little futbol! It's good stuff. I need to start playing like every P-Day.

We've got people here in my area that really are progressing quite nicely. One, had interaction with the church because his sister is a recent convert of mine(Jaquelin). Before we officially taught him the first time, he had attended quite a few Family Home Evenings in the church, and so he told us (remember without ever being taught lesson 1) 'I want to be baptized. What do I have to do to be baptized?' So, he's a sure baptism for the 10th of November! What a great blessing and tender mercy of the Lord. His name is Jose Castro and he's 13.

This past week, we went on divisions several times. We split with jovenes twice and we had splits with our District Leader also. Having them with the district leader was fun because I got to go with his companion to his area. So I was able to see new stuff and what not. Going with the Jovenes is fun because their jovenes. I don't really know what to say. Frequently, I'm frustrated. This is hard
and I'm struggling. But I'm surviving! President Brough said to me in this email in response to my question about what he told me after Zone Conference. He said that it'll shortly be made clear what he meant. I'm excited. I didn't want my mission to be easy. I'm glad to be in leader ship positions early. It's drawn me so much closer to the Lord and has humbled 
me so much. 

I love the mission. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

With love,

Elder Hunt

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Email from Oct 21

So, I received pouch mail this past week. I received more than 10 things. From anyone ranging from Reagan O'Reilly to Donna Sumrall to Dad to friends to other family. It has given me a lot to do. I need you to ask Sara and Reagan how they want me to reply to them. If they want handwritten letters, then I need their address. If they want me to respond in email, I need their email addresses. I'm willing to do either of the two.

What's happened with me? Well, not too much, but some stuff pretty significant.

My week ranges from Zone Conference to a lady that had a dream about us the night before to a miracle baptism (yes, I will probably use miracle baptism to describe all my baptisms).

1-Zone Conference. It was Thursday. It was awesome. For the first half, we practiced teaching to different missionaries with different situations and in different time limits. It was awesome, Elder Gomez and I rocked it. Also, President said something quite small but answered a question I had. Why Christ says that He's God when really the Father is God. He said to make sure to always distinguish God the Father and God the Son. Boom. There's my answer. He doesn't know what answered my question because he did it so smoothly. Then, we had lunch. Then we received cell phones. There are only two zones in ALL OF CENTRAL AMERICA with cell phones and I happen to be one of the two. And the other is also in Guate Central Mish. Then, President Brough talked to us. He talked to us about Angels. I will write down what exactly he said and send it in a letter-it'll have scripture references and everything. Perhaps Dad will want to use it in a talk sometime. At the end, I went up to President to say thanks and what not. But it wasn't that simple. He pulled me to the side a little. He told me that I'm doing a great job with Elder Gomez. He said, 'The Lord is going to use you in great ways these two years if you let Him. I'm going to try one more thing with you before I make you Senior Companion.' Oh boy, what's going to happen now? We have changes next week, October 30th, so we'll see what happens! I'm excited and anxious. I love the mission.

2- We went and worked one day with a Joven. We knocked on a door and a lady named Angela answered. Usually, if it's just the lady, I don't ask to enter. But this time I asked and she accepted. So we taught her and the Spirit was super strong. She told us at the end that she had a dream the night before of 3 people (not just two missionaries but also this joven) coming and sharing this message. How awesome! She had a dream that we'd come teach here!! This Joven was as excited as I was when we left. I think she'll progress once we can find her family there also. Pilas!

3-Baptism!! We baptized a guy name Lazaro Hernandez. We contacted him way back on the 7th of July. I, by my self, taught him lesson 1 in the back of a pick up truck on the way to church, while Elder Aragon sat comfortably inside the cab. It was good. We thought this Lazaro would be a miracle and be baptized in three Sundays, but he failed his baptismal interview. Then he fell off the face of the earth. We found him again about 3 weeks back and we starting being awesome again! He passed his baptismal interview and was baptized this past Sunday! I was able to see his whole miraculous process.

I love yall and I know the church is true. I pray for yall every day. That yall will read the scriptures, that yall will say your prayers, and that yall will come closer to Christ.

Keep on doing what you're doing and I'll keep on doing what I'm doing. The time will fly. I hardly have any time left out here. It goes by fast

I love yall!!

--Elder Hunt

Here are the pictures from Brother Hernandez's baptism! Way to go Elder Santiago for his help in bringing another soul unto Christ!

“And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!” (D&C 18:15–16).