Sunday, August 11, 2013

Email from Aug 11

So, this week, I'll complete 3 months! Wow! Already 3 months. It really is crazy how fast this has been.

Also, it's crazy how fast i'm learning Spanish. I'm getting pretty good at understanding what people are saying to me. I'm even better at reading. But my speaking isn't the best, and I need a lot of work with writing also. But i'm making such great progress, it's amazing!

This past week was crazy!! Aragon was so sick. Anything that could go wrong with him, went wrong. He was congested, throat hurt, body ached, bones hurt, headache, vometing, fever, and diarrhea. Crazy! But we worked through it. I had one day that I was quite sick, but it was just one day. (don't be excited to read that page in my journal, even though it makes me laugh). But we didn't have time to rest, we have souls to save. And we have to prove to the Lord that we're committed 100 percent!!

We had a crazy experience with dogs one day. We were just walking, minding our own business. Next thing you know, 7 dogs came charging after us! 7! wild dogs! So we started grabbing anything we could off the ground and throwing them at the dogs. It was crazy! We were throwing rocks the size of softballs. I felt like being a part of the Nephites fighting the Amlicites and Lamanites in Alma 2 and 3. Fantastic!

We confronted a couple Jehovah's Witnesses the other day. It was awesome. They have lines in their Bible where verses should be. Important verses! like Marcos 11:26 (Mark 11:26) and Hechos 8:38 (Acts 8:38). We asked why they had lines. One thought he had the answer, but it wasn't fulfilling. The other was so confused, he had no idea. I feel like we raised doubts in his mind... Awesome. There wasn't contention, we just know the Scriptures better than they do. Yea!

On Sunday, we had 2 dinners. It was hard. We went and visited one family, so Elder Aragon could use their bathroom and ask for medicine. They offered us food, so of course we accepted, we're missionaries. They gave us black beans, rice, eggs, and bread. It was good. I'm a fan of black beans (what a blessing!). Then we went to visit another family. They fed us tamales (not a fan...). These tamales were made with plants that they went out and cut from a field by their house. I was full after the first dinner so it was hard to force these tamales that I didn't enjoy. But we're so blessed by these awesome members!

I'm going to come home a different person. If I came home now, yall would be surprised how different I already am. If the mission teaches me one thing, it's going to be how to be the best roommate and spouse. Before the mission, I NEVER made my bed. Now I do it EVERY day, i have to, i feel like. And the other day, I washed about 95 percent of all our dishes. BY HAND! Also, at the store, i didn't buy any cereal. Just OATMEAL. Yea, I bought oatmeal. I never expected to say that. It's just more economical and it's healthier. I even enjoy

I had a little bit of an embarrassing slip up with my Spanish. The word for bones is huesos. The word for eggs is huevos. I was trying to ask the guy at the store for 5 eggs. But instead, i kept repeating ¡cinco huesos, cinco huesos! instead of cinco huevos. How embarrassing.

I've started to read Elder Aragon's copy of Our Search for Happiness (Nuestra Busqueda de la Felicidad) by M. Russell Ballard. It's in Spanish. I understand it. The book is amazing! Written to non members so it's full of simple words and testimony. Really powerful and awesome.

I've been thinking a lot lately of Alma 32:14-16. About being humble. Be humble not because you're compelled to be humble by your poverty, but be humble because you love the Lord and you know why you have everything you have-by the grace of God. I've never felt so humble in my life, the most amazing feeling.

Also, i've read Mormon 9 again. Mormon 9 has always been my favorite chapter in all of the scriptures. It's so direct. So powerful. So clear. LOVE IT!

Anyway, I love yall so much! I feel the strength of your prayers. I've never been happier in my life. I pray for yall often.

Yo se que la Iglesia es verdadera. Jose Smith fue un profeta y por medio de Jose Smith, la iglesia de Jesucristo es restaurada. Yo se que el Libro de Mormon es un otro testamento de Jesucristo. Yo se Jesucristo vive. Yo lo se.

¡Se Cuida!

--Elder Hunt

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