Monday, April 28, 2014

Email from April 28


Well, it sure has been crazy here in the office lately! Last night, we had to come to the office at like 9:15 or so. We didn't get back to the house until 11:30 after hitting up the drive thru at Burger King. Just to wake back up at 6 the next morning. It takes  a little bit of a toll, but it's nice to know how important the work I'm doing is.

Yesterday was quite an interesting day. I hope everybody is aware of my situation. I've returned to my first area and my trainer also serves here (even though I'm not directly his companion, we live in the same house). Well, my companion is the 'Office District Leader' even though everybody in the office has been District Leader or Zone Leader before, so it's fun. Anyway, we had to go on divisions with the other companionship, so that would include my trainer. So, what happened? I went with my trainer, Elder Aragon. We went and worked in the area that we worked in before. Talk about unique missionary experiences! It was super strange. Me, with my trainer, in my first area, teaching the gospel. As walking down the streets, we would just remind each other about all the people and the memories. A crazy day that doesn't happen to many others I don't think.

Right now, we've got some super pilas investigators. President Brough says that if, as a district, we baptize 10 people in May, he'll invite us to lunch to some place and eat ribs....It's on!! The strange thing is, that me and my companion alone, have the goal of 10 baptisms for this month of May. Also, it's a tradition that President takes out to lunch the people that will be leaving the office. My companion, Elder Ward, will be leaving the office at the end of May. Looks like President Brough will be taking us out twice! Eating good in the office!

We had an activity with the Relief Society the other day. The two companionships of the ward split up with the old women to go visit less actives and investigators. An interesting activity. I have never walked so slow in my whole mission. Me, a return missionary, and 3 Relief Society ladies hitting up the streets of Boca del Monte to save souls. But hey, it was good to build a relationship between members and missionaries even though it wasn't the most productive activity.

I definitely destroyed a pair of my pants the other day. It was the last appointment of the day, and it had all gone smoothly. The lesson went fine too. At like 8:55, we ended the lesson but then they offered us a little bit of cake and a drink. As missionaries, we don't reject cake. ever. So, we were just eating and chatting a bit with the members and investigators that we had. But there was a four year old kid being a normal four year old. He set his drink on the table, and I didn't think anything of it. Then, he decided to jump on top of the table. He knocked his drink all over my pants! I wasn't worried because we were about to leave and then go straight home to end the day. When we walked through the door that night, the Assistants attacked us. Kind of. They needed to go to the office (this might sound familiar because it was described a little in the first few sentences of the email.) So, we drove them to the office. Upon climbing out of the car, I guess I over extended my leg and just heard a huge ripping sound. Oops, that can't be good! Sure enough, the crotch seam was ripped wide open....How embarrassing. So those pants need to be washed up and sewed up then they'll be good as new. Oh yea, I also need to sew the button back on them.

Va, pues, les vaya bien!

--Elder Hunt

Friday, April 25, 2014

Email from April 25

I've been made secretary. But not just what ever kind of secretary. I've been called as the Executive Secretary of the Guatemala City Central Mission. WHAT?! It's the strangest thing. Why strange? Well, if y'all remember, I started my mission in an area called El Caminero which means I was part of the ward Boca del Monte. I don't know if I ever told y'all, but the secretaries are in the ward Boca del Monte. So, I've returned to where I started!! I'm literally serving in the same exact area, visiting my own recent converts, visiting the same members, walking the same streets, etc. CRAZY STRANGE. Also, if you remember, my trainer's name is Elder Aragón. Well, last change, he was made a secretary. So not only have I returned to the same area and ward, but I once again am with an old campanion. We live together and are together, in the office, until 4 in the afternoon. So, right now at 11 months, I have only two areas seeing as how I've come back to the same area for the second time. President Brough told me I'd be here for at least 6 or 7 changes. Meaning like 8 months. That'll mean I'll have more than 18 months and 3 areas. It's crazy. But, I came back to baptize. So that's what I'll do!

But being in the office is quite interesting. We live in a mansion pretty much (when compared to the other houses of Guate.) Eight missionaries live there. It's a crazy party every day! This is my first time living with Gringos, or white people, in my whole time in Guate. It's strange.

As a secretary, I have driving priveleges. The four of us share the same car that we use to get from the house to the office and the office to the house. On Monday, I drove!!! It felt so nice. We have a Toyota Hi-Lux. I'm not the biggest fan, but it was nice to be behind the wheel again. It made me miss the good ole Cadi during my BYU days. I sure do miss that car.

As the Executive Secretary, my role will be vital or key to the transition from President Brough to the new mission president, President Markham on the 1st of July. I need to learn everything and then some. I have to learn it fast and learn it well.

I've learned a lot this week of just positive thoughts. Thoughts turn into actions, actions into habits, habits into character. When things don't go perfectly well, we must keep a positive attitude. That's really the only thing we can control--ourselves. This Sunday, we were going to have two baptisms. But the two people drank coffee. Oops! So, their baptism has been postponed for the next Sunday-not a big problem! There are two ways to respond to this situation. Be super disappointed and upset. or Animate the people to continue firm for their baptism next week. I chose the second.

All I do is eat fast food. Monday through Friday we eat out for lunch since we're in the office. I don't want to get fat! I need to find something to do so that I don't eat all this unhealthy stuff. But, there's a place here called 'Go Green' that seems to be really healthy, so I'll be trying to eat there more! In the office, everybody gains wait. Everybody. In my last area, the coast, I lost weight and got a little skinnier. But when I came her, I weighed like 196. what?! That's crazy. I want to think the scale was broken, but who knows? I need to start being more careful or else it's going to be super hard in the gym when these two years are over.

Really, so much stuff has happened this past week. But really, there's not sufficient time here in the office to write y'all everything. The day that I email will always change, but I promise to email once a week. Executive Secretary is fantastic. The area is booming. My companion is super fun. My house is full of missionaries that are all stressed out of their minds so we're crazy. I'm definitely loving the mission right now!

--Elder Hunt

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 14, 2014

Interesting Little week!

First off, Today is my 11 month mark?! Didn't I just finish 10? I don't understand what's happening.

Secondly, yesterday morning, we found out changes or transfers. I'll be leaving the área! So that's super fun! It's a hassle to get all of my things ready by tomorrow morning. Who knows where the Lord will send me or if I have interviews with President to be made Zone Leader. Really, I LOVE district leader. It's the best, I'd say. So, tomorrow, I'll be in a new área with a new companion with new people not knowing anything. I'm super excited!!

But, it really is hard to leave an área after so much time here. I've been here for 18 weeks. We have been going around saying good bye to recent converts and to investigators that are progressing to get baptized. We have a mom and her son with baptismal dates here really soon, like this week and the next. When I told them I wouldn't be coming back, the 12 year old kid, Isaías, just sat there struck. He got super sad. Really, as a missionary, you grow to love the people and the people grow to love you. It's truly beautiful.

Last night, we also had a Family Home Evening with Familia Melgar, recent converts of mine. I taught the lesson and at the end gave them the pictures from their baptism. The joy that lit up their faces. They literally had a smile plastered to their faces as they remembered that beautiful day. Then, that smile left quite quick. I told them that on Wednesday, I'd be leaving early in the morning and not be coming back. The mom and daughter couldn't hold back the tears. That is heart wrenching. Talk about imposible to sing the closing hymn (Lead Kindly Light). As a missionary, we see miracles, we live miracles. Every soul that has chosen to change their lives and be baptized is a miracle, really.

Tonight will be even harder. I have found my second family here. It's the family of my cook and clothes washer. Just last week, the Mom, Flor, was just thinking about the thought that I might be leaving tomorrow. With this thought, she started to cry. She told me when I first got here. Like in week 2 or 3. When you go, I will cry. Tonight, we'll have a lesson with this family as a farewell. There will be tears shed. These people have impacted my life in an unforgettable way. Yesterday, we spent a Little bit of our P-Day with them. They have a ton of chickens. yesterday, I killed 6 or 7 and then we ate them for lunch. From living chicken to grilled chicken in less than 30 minutes. That's what I'd call fresh food, fast.

I'm super excited to get to my new área and to meet my new companion. I want someone I can joke around with and a naturally hardworker. We'll see what happens. More than anything, I want a Latino companion.

WIth Love, (Con Amor)

--Elder Hunt

Santiago's current district. He's district leader. And in the back on the left.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 8, 2014

My companion doesn't talk to me. Ever. About anything...unless it's traditional food from Ecuador that I don't understand. It's a blast.

Next week, there will be changes. On Monday, I'll learn if anything will change with me. On Tuesday, I'll let you know. On Wednesday, if there are changes, they'll take place. Exciting stuff!!

Also, I received y'alls package. Thank y'all so much, you're the best!! It's a hard temptation to fight eating all the Candy at once, but I'll over come it. Also, I accept packages from everybody :)

General Conference was AMAZING!! The three talks that really stuck out to me were Elder Bednar, like always, and Elder Robert D. Hales. The talk I've thought about most has been what Dallin H. Oaks taught in the Priesthood Session Saturday Night. It literally 'blew my mind'. It's going to be a great talk to read and study and ponder. General Conference is like Christmas. We don't do much of anything.

Good news! For Mother's Day, we'll be skyping! So, I need you to send me your Skype account. A Little later on, I'll tell y'all what time and everything. It'll be fantastic. But, just prepare yourselves, only 40 minutes max.

Right now, I'm in consecration mode. I've got 13 months left. It's time to get down to business. I might not go home with a ton of baptisms or anything like that, but that's ok. But I will become the best teacher, missionary, leader, companion, and person in general. It's my goal and focus to go home truly converted. By having this as my focus I know that baptisms will come and fill my life with joy. But, the changes I make now, the things I do now, will affect many future generations. There's no time to wait. I can't sleep during the Restoration! I invite y'all to do the same thing. Obey the Commandments. Don't Modify commandments or rules, that'll only do harm to you. There's nothing to lose by being obedient, just everything to gain--eternal life.

I'm working on writing a letter, maybe it'll get to you this month...or the next. Who knows?

Well, ''Mission: The Consecration of Elder Hunt'' has now begun. It'll be fantastic.

I love y'all!

--Elder Hunt

Monday, April 7, 2014

Email from April 1

There's not much at all to say this week, quite sad.

I haven't really been having time to write in my journal this week and I'm a Little behind. This week was mememorable in the way you don't want a week to be memorable. SUPER hot. And a big trial of my patience. The Little things that people do just drive me crazy...or at least, they used to. For example, I don't know why, but this week my companion has started to do something that has just driven me bonkers! I'll knock on a door. After my Little knock rhythm, he has to knock the door one more time. EVERY DOOR! Literally, drives me bonkers. But not once did I get mad. It's a miracle how much patience I've gained these past few months. I'm going to come home quite a different person, so that'll be interesting. And also a big trial of faith, but that's fun.

I'm so excited for conference this weekend, I can't even control it. We're inviting the whole world. We made Little fliers that we're giving to the people we talk to. Literally, I feel like conference is like a holiday, I'm getting shakey just thinking about it! I know it will be fantastic!!

DyC 58:1-9. Especially verse 3 impacted me. My natural eyes can't see the grand designs of God, but after the trials and tribulation will come the eternal glory. Also, verse 6. I was sent to be obedient and to testify. There isn't allowance for disobedience of the slightest. These few verses have given me great comfort and have changed my thinking.

I love y'all a ton! If you have questions, ask!

--Elder Hunt