Monday, September 30, 2013

Email from Sept 30

We're having a little bit of struggles with the baptisms. I've only had 1 so far, but i'm not worried about the numbers too much. Just focused on working hard and serving the Lord.

President Brough called us this morning!!! We were praying, so we couldn't answer the phone. Then once the phone died, he called right back!! We were scared to answer. And we got some pretty interesting news. Elder Suarez answered. President asked to talk to me. UH OH!!! He asked me how I am and what not. Asked how is Elder Suarez. Then we cut the small talk. 'Elder Hunt,' he said, 'I'm about to but a grand responsability upon your shoulders. This won't be easy, but you'll be able to do it.' First off, I think Welp, I'm about to be a trainer this next change after only 5 months, but no. something different. Perhaps even a little harder. He continued, 'we need to have an emergency change of your companionship. We have a district leader (in an other area) that hasn't been the most obedient. I need you to help him.' He went on to say how yesterday, for P-day, they went and got haircuts after 5 (we start working at 5) and how they wore street clothes all day (only missioanry attire!). So this District Leader is being taken from District Leader and being put here with me. He won't be Senior Companion, we'll be equals. This will be hard. At minimum, he'll have one year, more than likely, closer to 18 months. He's going to be super discouraged to be put with a Norte that only has 4 months out here. My companion, Elder Suarez, will replace this missionary as District Leader. Elder Suarez, after 8 months, has raised up to District Leader. Welp, looks like I'm receiving the wicked companion I was worried about for this past change. This is going to be a crazy week. Prayers would be appreciated!!

So excited for General Conference!! We'll leave my home at like 8 in the morning and return at like 9 at night on Saturday. We won't have any time to work and teach people. But I'll be at General Conference, so it's ok. I'm so excited!!!! We'll be listening to profets and apostles in these days!

Had a door contact get quite offended this past week, and I'm not sure exactly why. I contacted her. All I said was, '¿Como esta, Hermana?' Then she got offended. Why did you call me Hermana? Because we are children of God. No, we are not His children until we accept Him in our corazon. No Hermana, we are children of our loving Heavenly Father. Then I gave a little testimony. Then we left. Bless her heart, really.

Well, people are convinced we're profets. I love it. We taught this super old couple that hardly knew what was happening. We asked, after teaching what a profet is, 'what, in your own words, is a profet?' They answered, 'Yall'. Aye, not quite. Then there was this Hermana that we taught. At the end, during her prayer, she thanked heavenly father for having sent these two profets to her home. People do not understand what a profet is even after we give examples and explain thoroughly and simply. I'm quite flattered, really. To be compared to someone like Moises, Joseph Smith, or Thomas S. Monson.

Taught a super awesome lesson this past week. It was about 7 in the evening and we met a member's house, so we could get a ride to this person's house. We went quite the drive until we arrived at a residency like West Lake. These houses were huge. Apparently, the husband works for the government, but he wasn't there. So we just taught the wife. It was such a super powerful lesson. She was understanding everything and feeling the Spirit super strong. But, we found out the next day, that she doesn't live in our area. So she can't be counted as our baptism. But she's just about as sure as it gets after a first lesson. We'll meet with her again in the member's house here in our area, so it won't be a problem. But her name's Michelle. It's kind of sad that we can't continue to teach her and have her progress to baptism. But it is what it is!

My goal is to finish the Book of Mormon this week! Right now, I'm in Mormon 8. So close! I can't believe the progress I've made in the Book of Mormon. I remember when I would read like 1 chapter a day struggling, and now i can read about 4 without too much of a struggle.

I love yall so much! Life sounds great in the States. I'll be back before I know it. Time is so incredibly fast out here. I'm about to complete 5 months here in a little bit. Ahhh, I almost can't handle it. I love the life I'm living. I've never been happier.

--Elder Hunt

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Email from Sept 22

 Wow, this week really has been crazy. Finally got a new companion! Only one other person that entered the mission with me had the same trainer for all three months. Just me and him. Everybody else got changed after 6 weeks. So it really is quite nice to have a change here. My new companion. Elder Suarez. Latino!! (answer to my prayers). From Honduras. About the complete 8 months in the mission (we're both so young out here in the mission, i just finished 4!). He's super excited about the work here in his new area, and this excitement has rubbed off on me. We're talking to people like crazy, and we feel like we're finding people that will progress (finally!). He's Senior Companion, but you wouldn't be able to tell. It's his first time, so he's not sure what's happening. I'm the one that does the planning the night before, so I decide where we're going, who we're visiting, and what we're teaching. In reality, I'm the Senior Companion, but he just has the title. Which, really, is fine by me. But since I received a new companion here, I think I'll be leaving the area in the next change! (last Wednesday in Octubre.) I'll send a picture next week. I've been really bad about taking pictures. I'm going to take my camera with us when we go work so you can see what I see. I'm just a little worried, because it rains unexpectantly. But I'll cover it good with plastic bags, so it won't be a problem.

The craziest thing happened a couple days ago. In reality, I'm kind of a little worried to tell this to my mother, but it's my life here in Guatemala! Here it goes: So, here in Guatemala, we use the public bus system to get around. It's not the safest, quite sketch, actually. But it's the most efficient option we have. So it was about 8:15 one night, and we were taking a bus back to our area to finish the day. My part of town is quite safe, never have had problems around our house. But these buses are full of people, so we're able to contact a lot. (going around seat to seat, introducing ourselves, presenting the purpose of our message, and asking for the address so we can visit them). So I'm at the back of the bus talking to the people, nothing strange whatsoever. Then, what do I hear? THREE GUNSHOTS!!! It was about 5 yards away from me, right behind the bus (not in the bus). So of course, i turned my head to look what was happening, because I just thought their were someone with fireworks or something--nothing out of the ordinary. But what I really saw was something disturbing and unforgettable. The bus assitant, the guy that takes the money and helps people on and off the bus, laying dead in his own blood. And I saw it. I will never erase this image from my head. Now, I thank Heavenly Father for my life with more sincerity than ever. Things are crazy here in Guatemala. As missionaries, we see people at their very best, like when they decide to make these convenants with God. And we see them at their least here in Guatemala. 

This was easily, the scariest moment of my life. It all happened less than 5 yards from me!! 

So, now for a little bit more uplifting stuff!

Hermana Jaquelin was confirmed this past Sunday! Yea! She's going to be an awesome member. We'll baptize her family one by one. Then she'll have so much more support in the home. I'm really excited to see it. Jaquelin's baptism was such a long practice. They contacted her way back in April and she wasn't baptized until the 15th of Septiembre. For some people, it really is quite a long process. 

We have a baptismal date for this Sunday. Her name is Daniela. She's 17. She told us straight up this past visit. I want to be baptized. I want to make this big change in my life. I know this is true and it's what I want to do with my life. So, being 17, she's not able to get baptized without her mother's consent. At first, she was like, yea, it won't be a problem. My mom will sign it. Then, this past Sunday, she wasn't able to attend church because she didn't have permission from her mom--just to attend church. If she doesn't have permission to attend church, how is she going to get permission to be baptized. We want to talk to the mom, but she never wants to talk to us. We're praying really hard that her heart will be softened and she'll let her daughter make this choice. If Daniela gets baptized, her sister, Cindy, 24, will also get baptized. So we're praying and working for it.

We have an Hermano Alejandro, that is just about set in stone for baptism, for the 6th of Octubre. He's super awesome and excited to be baptized. What a blessing!

So, thinking of the atonement, a new thought has been in my head. As missionaries, we need to have charity for all others, like the charity Christ had. Let's think about one person especifically to whom Christ showed this charity. How about the guy that drove the stakes through His hands and feet. Christ could have opened His mouth and stopped it all, or condemned this man to hell right then and there. But no, He said nothing. And at the end of it all, He asked the Father to forgive 'them' and, included in 'them' is the man that had to put in the stakes. 

Right now I'm in 3 Nefi 12. In the middle of the part where Christ appears here in the Americas. My testimony grows everyday that i read the book of mormon and live the life of a missionary. I know that Christ lives and appeared here in the Americas.

I'm so excited and happy to be a representative of Him here in Guatemala!!!

I love you guys so much!!! I'm safe here in Guatemala. I have angeles surrounding me always on all sides. As long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I won't have any problems. I'm a representative of Jesus Christ, I've never been happier.

-Elder Hunt

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Email from Sept 15

 This week has been so crazy!!

We had a miracle baptism on Sunday!!! We literally had no plans to have a baptism this change. Zero. But we had this Hermana Jaquelin attend church for the 7th time, but this time with her mom. During the 3rd hour, we decided to invite them to the baptism. She said that they would go. She also said she wanted to be baptized in the next service. We said ok, then we all returned to our respective classes. After talking to other missionaries for a second, we decided to go talk to Jaquelin again. We asked her why wait, we could baptize her today. After a little discussion, she agreed! Then craziness ensued. She went back to her class, and we went to work. The ward literally went crazy for us. We had one Hermana Osorio have to drive to her house and get baptismal clothes. I had to be driven home to get my baptismal clothes. All of this, while Hermana Jaquelin was still being interviewed, we didn't even know if it was certain!! But this interview was crazy. They need to be interviewed by the District Leader. But the DL was out working without his phone, like it's supposed to be. So we couldn't contact him. But luckily, we have the Mission Secretaries in our ward. So we called the Zone Leader, who called Presidente Brough, who gave Elder Diaz (a secretary) permission to conduct the interview. So, everything went crazily awesome and I was able to baptize her. After all this ended, we took Jaquelin and her mom home. At the door, Jaquelin said, 'Looks like my mom will be next.' How awesome is that?!

We have Transfers tomorrow! Elder Aragon is leaving and I'm staying here in Caminero! Which I'm excited about, I feel like we're going to have some success this change coming up. He's excited to leave because he's been here for 6 months! After this change, I will have been here for 4.5. That's crazy. I don't have interviews with the President, so that means I won't be Senior Companion. yea!!

We had divisions this past week, twice. One witht he Zone Leaders (Tuesday until Wednesday) and the other with the District Leader (Thursday until Friday). This made for our week to be super hectic and unorganized. They didn't  call us for these divisions until the night before. But we survived!

We had a really positive contact with one Hermana at her door. I contacted her and said my bit. She was like, 'yea, uh huh, yea.' She was talking how her church has the truth and all that jazz. Then Elder Aragon stepped up, 'so, you're church has apostasy, huh?' And she said, 'Yes, gracias a Dios. My pastor is full of it!' YEA! She had no idea what she was talking about. We literally like laughed right there at the door. Bless her heart.

We taught an awesome guy the other day. At the end, he took the folleto, flipped open to the page where Joseph Smith is receiving the priesthood, and told us what it really meant. These three people represent the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. But really, their one in the same. And this (Joseph Smith) represents us kneeling before them in humility and asking for forgiveness of our weaknesses. Wow, almost Hermano! So close, really. He was so happy that he thought he knew what was up. He's Pilas.

I was super safe this past weekend. We didn't have any problems or anything. I'm starting to make friends with all the bus people and the people at our favorite little tiendas and bread shops. It's awesome. I'm becoming Chapin!

Well, I love yall lots! I hope yall are reading the Book of Mormon! This is the keystone of our religion so we NEED to know it's true. My testimony grows and grows everyday. I'm so thankful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and think of it in a new way all the time. It truly is beautiful. Use this great gift, and Repent of Sins! and Ask for Strength. (As a missionary, I have to declare repentance to all people)

I love yall so much!! Pray for you always!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Email from Sept 8

 My cook was really busy with other things, so she couldn't make us food. But we survived on spaghetti and oatmeal, no problem! But she felt bad about it, so she hasn't missed a day since then. If we can go for lunch, she makes us the food for dinner.

What's up with my cousing Jacob Wells? What's up with my aunt Sara? What's up with your side of the family, mom? I need to return address of the Howse's. I got 3 letters from them, but I have no way to reply to them! I don't have an email address or their home address!

The temple...Where do I begin? Oh, I know. We woke up at 3 am!! We had to get up and study for an hour before we could leave to meet up with people to go to the temple. 3 am! That's pretty early. But we got there no problem. I was with a group of like 8 missionaries. At the distribution center, I went to buy a himnario and a Bible. When I got to the cash register, the lady said that the Stake President is paying for us. Sweet! But the temple temple, was awesome! It was all Spanish (of course), I was able to understand what was happening! Thanks to the few times I went before the mission and in the CCM and that I read the creation story the week before the temple. But I always love the temple. I had the best experience of my life in the temple this past week. It can only be compared to one time in the CCM . I've never had a simple phrase have so much power. 'Be Still And Know That I Am God' from DyC 101:16. It was awesome.

One day for lunch, we had the BEST food. Dad would have been so happy. They were a mix of enchilladas and chimichangas. DELICIOUS. The best tortillas I have ever eaten. The best meal I've had so far here in Guatemala. I could eat it every day!

So, a few days ago, we had the funniest day. It started in the morning while tracting. We taught this one lady that was just dead. Saying 'uh-huh, uh-huh' during the whole thing. After I finished the first vision, Elder Aragon asked a simple question. 'What's the name of the young man that prayed and asked God?' She looked at us, smiled, and with surety said, 'Luis Alfredo!' ¿En Serio, Hermana? We were fighting back laughing. Right then, Elder Aragon said, 'we're going to say a pray to end this.' He offered the prayer and literally laughed during the prayer. We said Amen, shook her hand, then ran away out of her sight. Once we saw we were safe, we both doubled over laughing so hard!! Oh, it was good stuff. 'Luis Alfredo!' Wow, Hermana, ¡Casi! Lovin' Guatemala!!

So the buses here are crazy. For two bus rides, I was 0% in the bus. ZERO! I was on the outside of the bus standing on a little piece of medal that was like 3 inches by 2 inches, only 6 square inches at most! Standing on that and holding on for dear life. He didn't take turns slow or speed bumbs. Funnest ride of my life. The bus was too full for me to enter, because I was letting the women on for safety. It was awesome.

We have an investigator named Jaqueline. She's 18. Her dad has been fighting a lesson for months. Months. This past week, we taught him! Miracle! It was a really good lesson too!

Next week, on the 16th, we find out about Transfers. Already time for transfers again!! That's crazy.

Oh yea, the 15th of September is Independence Day for Guatemala. Please, pray for my safety this weekend. Everybody will be drunk and the drunks love to molest us white folks. I love the mission!

Life's good. I'm safe. I'm happy.

I pray for yall often! I love yall a ton!

¡Se Cuida!
--Elder Hunt

Monday, September 2, 2013

Email from Sept 2

The Two P's are my vices- patience and pride. But right now, I feel more humble than I EVER have before in my life. My whole life I've been prideful, my whole life. Right now, I depend on the Lord for everything...everything! It's truly beautiful and amazing to see the change that has already come to me in these short months that I've been out here. And patience, I've definitely learned that these past couple months. The Lord is helping me and supporting me in all ways. I love it!

Wow, not too much happened this week. Except, we didn't have P-Day yesterday. So I've gone more than a week without p-day. I'm out of food, out of money (zero), and out of energy! But tomorrow is p-day and we're going to the temple!!!!! I'm going to go through the temple in Spanish!!! YEA! It'll be such an awesome experience!

I'm out of food, because we went a whole 4 days without our cook. It is HARD without a cook. So I made a lot of spaghetti and ate a lot of oatmeal (i love oatmeal).

This past week, we went on splits with young men in our ward. Wow. So these two guys speak super fast, slang Spanish. I went with one named Alfredo. He's waiting for his missionary call. So for the whole day, I had to speak straight up Spanish. He knows nothing of English. But we were able to converse and have a good time (at least, I had a good time!)! But I had to answer all questions of investigators and explain any and all doubts and topics. It was a great experience and really showed me how much I've grown these past couple months!

So, we have this investigator named Alejandro. I contacted him on the bus one day. Before we had even taught him, he was helping us. He gave us a ride down to the church one day when he drove by while we were waiting for the bus. He wasn't home for the appointment that we had, but we when we returned to the house, we had a text message on our phone from him apologizing, and the message was completely English. He speaks perfect English, which is awesome!

While out working, I saw this guy. I definitely had to double take. He was wearing a cub scout shirt. This guy was about 25. The shirt was navy blue, had the gold lettering, and an American Flag on the sleeve! I couldn't believe it. It made me laugh.

Speaking of laughing, the funniest moment of the mission happened just yesterday. When we knock doors, a lot of times, kids answer. So we ask, 'esta alguien grande con cual podriamos hablar?' then they go off, return, and say no (definitely lying because when we ask the question, they say yes). Anyway, Elder Aragon knocked on a door. A lady of about 85+ answered the door. Elder Aragon presented us as missionaries and all this good stuff. Then he said, 'esta alguien grande con cual podriamos hablar?' I casually stepped out of view of the sweet, old women and busted out laughing. I was literally doubled over and crying laughing. This lady is 85! Of course nobody there is older than her! But, luckily, the lady didn't hear Elder Aragon. So he corrected himself, and asked what he meant to ask, if her family was there. SO FREAKIN FUNNY!

Well, now I don't have much to share except some spiritual stuff.

I received an Ensign in English from a member, May 2009. It's awesome! My two favorite are 'None were with him' by Elder Holland and 'Counsel to Young Men' by Elder Packer. Read them. (Elder Packer has a quote, 'Never complain about schooling. Always attend.' I need to remember this post-mission.)

Also, I have phrases I need to put on a plaque in my future house, from Alma 41:14. It will say 'Deal Justly, Judge Righteously, and Do Good Continually.' How perfect is that? Alma 36-42 are the perfect chapters of fatherly advice to a son. They really are touching. I love them.

Last night, we had a FHE for investigators at the church. President Camey in the Stake Presidency gave the lesson, about why the church is called what it's called. While he was talking, I came up with my own process. In reality, we can break the title into three parts. 1)The Church of Jesus Christ-He founded it, so it has His name!; refer to 3 Nefi 27:8 2)of Latter-day-as it says in Acts 3:21-22, the church had to be restored before the coming of Christ, or in the last days, that's today! 3)Saints-as members of the church, we are Saints; the purpose of the church is for the perfecting of the Saints! refer to Efesios 4:11-14. This is a great little explaination for those people that ask why the church is called what it is. Also, Dad could maybe host a little FHE at the church with the missionaries, investigators, and recent converts and explain this topic to them. President Camey did a really, really great job though.

So yea, that's my life!

I love you guys so much! I pray for you every day. I'm happier now than I ever have been before, because I'm more humble now than I ever-ever-thought I would be.

Life's good. I'm having fun. Learning a lot.

Se cuida! Divertirse!
--Elder Hunt