Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Email from Aug 26

Wow, what a fast week this was!!

Last Tuesday, we went to Pizza Hut for lunch as a District. It just opened, so we're all really excited and so was the rest of the town. It was packed! American music blaring! SportsCenter on the TV! (I sure do miss SportsCenter!) It felt like I was back in America for a little bit. Pretty cool how that can happen when you step off the streets into a normal American restaurant.

On Wednesday, I got pretty sick. Fever, head hurt, achey, congested. I was scared I was about to come down with something bad. So i took some medicine ever so often to try to fight it before it hit me. I worked through the day- I had to, I'm on the Lord's errand, not mine. Then, that night, we realized we had Interviews with Presidente Brough on Thursday. So we had to wake up at 3:55! Of course I get sick the day I will only have 5 or so hours of sleep. Love it!

But we woke up at 3:55, left at 5 in a taxi (the public buses don't start til 5:15 and we had a little ways to go). Got to the stake center at 5:30. Waited around for our interview at 11:30. So for 6 hours, we just kind of hung out and talked with all the other missionaries. It was really cool and relaxing. You might be wondering what happened during the interview with Presidente? Well, let me tell ya!

For our interview, we had to memorize 3 Nefi 5:13. Me encanta la frase 'soy discipulo de Cristo, el Hijo de Dios.' Love it!! Anyway, after that, and he explained me the story of Mormon. He asked if there was anything he could help me with. I couldn't think of anything. He was like, I think there's something I can help you with. He went on to tell me of a missionary that just finished his two years. Presidente knows we've been struggling with people attending church and baptisms and what not. This missionary had 9 baptisms at the end of his first year (low for this mission). He went home with 70. that's 61 baptisms in one year! That's pretty fantastic for any mission! So he went on to say be obedient, diligent, and most importantly, pacient. Then I asked him what to do about Bairon (an investigator I told you about last email). He said just bare testimony like the disciple of Jesus Christ that I am. This was all good and spiritual. It really was. Then we got to some really interesting stuff. Elder Aragon was with Presidente before me. So Presidente Brough said 'I asked Elder Aragon if you're ready for a companion that's not exactly obedient. He (Elder Aragon) said yes. I think you're ready too.' WHAT?!?! You know what this sounds like? Sounds like I might be moved to senior companion the change after my training. This is what everybody thinks. I mean, hey, if the Lord and Presidente think I'm ready, then I'm ready. It has been really good motivation to work harder on my Spanish and learning everything I can about the Gospel. Another story about interviews with Presidente. During Elder Aragon's interview with Presidente, Presidente said that Elder Aragon was about to train a very special missionary, so this training is vital. Elder Aragon is convinced I'll be an Assistant to the Presidente one day. I got him to write it in my journal with his signature (22 Agosto 2013). I guess we'll see. It'd be cool. ¡Vamos a ver! My favorite phrase in Spanish. (We'll see!)

On Saturday, we had an activity as a District to give out Morcaff (Coffee for Mormons, no caffeine or anything bad). The bus to get to the place, was FULL. So, what did we do? Oh, hopped on top of the bus! These are American school buses, with ladders on the back, and a rack on the top. And so we just climbed up there and rode to the place. We were tossing candy to people on the street and everything. So fun and so funny!! The people loved it, and so did we. At this activity, I fulfilled my calling as a missionary. I declared repentance to all that could hear my voice. I fulfilled Alma 29:1,2,9. I stood on the street and started to holler ''¡Arrepentirse! ¡Arrepentirse!'' It was quite funny! Not too effective though. Oh well.

We have an investigator that's on bed rest right now. Why? Oh nothing. He was just shot 3 times. No big deal. LOVE GUATEMALA!!!

Well, as always, my petition for letters! Handwritten! Can you please tell people through my facebook to email me? Katie Coleman, Allison Marshall, Caitlin Huber, Tecie Sams, Alisha Tuli. I'll tell them to write me, that's not a problem. Thanks!

I love yall so much! I'm so thankful for this blessing, opportunity, and privilege I have to serve the Lord for two years. I'm always so happy. Always.

Challenge to all, especially my family. Finish the Book of Mormon before I get home. Start today and finish before these next 19 months finish! Yall can do it!!!

¡Se Cuidan!
--Elder Hunt

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