Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Elder Santiago went to Antigua. This is a painting he loved and got.

I believe this photo is from the wedding of the young family Elder Santiago helped teach.

The young family on the wedding day!

The newlyweds on their baptism day

On Santiago's one-year mark, he did the traditional "burning of the shirt"

Email from May 15

Interesting little week!

Everything from weddings to baptisms to Mother's Day to working with President Brough to interviews with President Brough.

On Friday, we went to Antigua!

So, we've had a young family that has been super interested in the church and the things we've taught them.  Their names are Saray and Jairon. Anyway, we could only teach them on Saturdays because Jairon works from 2 pm to 2 am Sunday through Friday. So, the first time we went, we taught lesson one and left the commitments of attending church, reading the pamphlet, and praying. When we went the second time, they had read the pamphlet and prayed and asked God if Joseph Smith was a profet. They received their answer! In that same moment, we challenged them to be married on the 10th and baptized on the 11th of May. Here we are 3 weeks later with them married and baptized! The wedding Saturday was a hoot and a half. I think they mixed up the word "Boda" and "Fiesta" or "Wedding" and "Party". When we showed up, there were two speakers as tall as my waist! They're baptism on Sunday was always fantastic. This family was introduced to us through a family that was baptized in March. Anyway, the dad of the recent convert family had not yet received Priesthood, but we really wanted him to baptize his friends. So, we got him an interview with the bishop and he got the Priesthood in the third hour, just in time for the baptisms! It was a really nice baptismal service. My companionship baptized two, another companionship baptized one, and an 8 year old kid was baptized by his dad. (Don't worry, pictures are attached.)

On Sunday, God blessed us big time. We had 12 investigators attending church! What?! It was absolutely crazy but amazing. 12 investigators attending, 2 confirmations, and 2 baptisms. Just for a quick update, the work is progressing nicely. We have a baptismal date for someone this Sunday, the 18th, and 2 for the 25th. That's not even counting the spontaneous miracles that are to happen. For this month of May, we've had 4 baptisms and at least 3 more. The field is white, and we're getting the harvest on!

For the first time ever in Guatemala City Central Mission, we were able to Skype home for Mother's Day! WooHoo! It was one of the strangest things. It kind of took me out of the mission. Made me remember the days of when I would be in college and Skype home occassionally on Sunday afternoons. (Don't worry, I wasn't unfocused when we went out to work.) It's actually weird to think that this was my second to last fone call/Skype call home. It's a sad realization that I won't be serving a full two years, I'll go home two weeks before the two year mark because that's just how the changes fall. But, it's not like it's a big deal at all.

On Tuesday, I had the best and worst day of my mission. I got super sick. Like super sick! My body was super achy, a pounding headache, and a fever with chills. Also, President Brough came and preached the gospel with us! IT WAS AWESOME!!! In the morning, I was really wanting to get better, so I asked President Brough and Elder Ward to give me a blessing. President Brough annointed me and it was incredible. His prayer wasn't at all something normal, but super unique. He said something like, 'Elder Harold James Hunt, by the authority of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood, and in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I annoint you with this oil that has been consecrated, blessed, and set apart to bless and heal the sick and afflicted in the house of faith. Amen.' It was more or less like that, just a bunch of power. We started working together at 5. During the whole day, I hadn't gotten better, but still, we went to work. In the first lesson, I. was. miserable. At the end, President leaned over to me and asked if I was ok. But by the end of the night, I'd say I got back to about 85%. I couldn't even begin to explain what happened or what I learned when I was teaching and working with him. It'll all be written in my journal (the 4th one, this will be entry #1).

I beg of you, help the missionaries. Accept what President Ballard said in General Conference and present someone to the missionaries every 3 months! Y'all have to set the example for the ward and stake. Especially since you have two sons that are out right now on missions.

This morning we had interviews with President Brough. FANTASTIC. He talked a lot about the transition from him to President Markham. We discussed a little of loyalty. We talked of why he called me to the office. We talked of the things that have happened in my mission for the Lord to prepare me for this. This will also be included in my journal. But in the last prayer, he said something that impacted me a lot. He said, "Help Elder Hunt as he will be crucial in the transition and success of President Markham as a mission president." Talk about pressure! I knew I'd be a big factor for the transition, but I didn't know I'd be crucial to determine the success of President Markham! This'll be fun :)

I love y'all. Just keep on keepin on.

Email from May 4

Baptisms this weekend!! yea! The lady's name is Tina and the young man's name is David. David is Tina's grandson. All of Tina's children are members exept one. Tina has really been ready to be baptized for years. But, she's never had the desire to stop drinking her coffee. Things were different this time! After years of battling, Tina has entered into the waters of baptism and made these covenants with God. David was a great little miracle. His aunt is the Relief Society President of the ward that meets in the afternoon. Little did we know that he had been attending with her. So, when we found out, we asked if he wanted to be baptized and he said yes. Sweet!

Remember how we live 8 in one house. So, pranks are bound to happen. Last night, the APs got us so good. So, when we got home, the other two secretaries were waiting outside. They were just waiting until we showed up because the door was cracked open and all the lights were on. So, the four of us tried pushing the door open, but it was kind of stuck with a mattress (because right by the door are a lot of mattress being stored.). So, we entered, slowly. We started hearing voices and came to the conclusion that somebody was in the process of robbing us. So, being the responsable missionary I am, I pulled out my camera to see what would happen. Right after I took a foto of the mess made, the APs just jumped out screaming. It actually got each of us pretty good.

Love ya,

Elder Hunt