Monday, July 29, 2013

Email from July 29


We will not get bikes here. That's kind of guaranteed! So we just walk or take the public bus system. It's awesome, especially the buses. Walking is hard because we're literally on the side of a mountain. But to be specific about my area, it's El Caminero.

I'll take the picture today or something. Sometime this week for sure!

We get up here at 5:30 to do exercises. Then return home at 9. I never thought I'd sweat so much, it's crazy. But it's a good thing I have these handkerchiefs! (no idea how to spell)

So last week, I went on splits with my District Leader, Elder Hansen. He's awesome. We worked hard, and I impressed him! I impressed him with how hard I work, I'm not afraid to talk to people, and my Spanish impressed him! He says I'll probably be a leader after 2 more changes. Wow. That would literally be crazy! But if the Lord and Mission President see it fit, I'll accept it. But only time will tell!

Thursday mornings are so long. We wake up at 5:30, exercise til 6, prepare til 7, personal study til 8, comp study til 10, language study til 11, weekly planning til 1, then we leave for lunch. That's 5.5 hours in the apartment! Way too long!!!!! I just want to get out and work.

We've had hardcore toilet problems. For a whole day and a half, all 3 of the bathrooms in our Apartment were broken. All three. It was crazy! It was something to do with the pipes being clogged with something. But Aragon made this clever invention. He cut a 3 Liter soda bottle (they don't sell 2 Liters here) in half. Then he kind of used it as you would use a blunger without the wooden handle. It worked like a charm!

We met one day with a less active family. The dad's mom was visiting from Boston. She's not a member, so we decided to give her a lesson. At the end, we got her address in Boston. It was awesome! So we're going to give her address to missionaries in the area that speak Spanish.

We have a recent convert here named Hermana Rosa. She owns a little panaderia that sells American Donuts. She said that every time we visit, she'll give us a free donut! So you better believe we visit pretty often! They are so good, and FREE!

I've started to do a little cooking these days. Just grilled cheese. I'm getting pretty elegant. Grilled cheese is way better than just plain ham and cheese sandwiches.

Yesterday, for Pday, we went to Zona 1! That's the same place that has the huge market. We went there while in the CCM. I had to buy a few things, like a bag and such. Then I bought a couple souvenirs. I hope and pray to visit something like the market right before I leave to come home, so I can load up!!! But we went to Wendy's for lunch! Spent about 72 Qetzals. That's as much as I spend for 5 days of lunch with my cook. But it was so good!!! Got a good ole baconator, fries, sprite, and a chocolate frosty. YUM!

Listen to Army of Helaman in Spanish. It's like 'El Ejercito de Helaman'. It sounds so much cooler than the English one! Just saying.

Mosiah 2:27 (not sure exactly) is one of my favorite scriptures. It's when Rey de Benjamin is giving his discurso a la gente en su reino. El esta hablando sobre el servicio. And how we will always be indebted a Dios, nuestro Creador. In this verse, it says, that God gave us everything and what not. All He asks in return is to keep His commandments. That's it. For all we have, He just asks us to keep the commandments. Simple, really.

Pues, I love you guys. Yall are so good to me. I pray for yall daily and feel the strength of your prayers!!

Se cuida,
--Elder Hunt

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