Thursday, December 18, 2014

Email from Dec 15

I'M FREE!!!!

No longer Executive Secretary. What a load lifted off of my shoulders! Wow, it's so nice. I'm not worried about any office related things. I sleep by 10:30 and get decent hours. I'm thankful. My time in the office was the best, don't get me wrong. It has changed me and prepared me in ways i never could have imagined. Working so close to the Markhams, the Broughs, and the Laws has really been an indescribable blessing.

Now, i'm Zone Leader in a place called Tiquisate. It's hot. With that description, i've said it all. It's 'winter time' and it's 92 degrees outside like every day. Winter? yea. The sun is strong, not a cloud in the sky. I absolutely love it. I'm sweating so much it's ridiculous. My companion is Elder Quispe from Peru. I love this guy. We're always laughing and having a good time. We go to bed at like 10:30, like we should be lay in our beds talking until like 11:30. He's such a great guy with an amazing back story. I'm here for a few reasons: to baptize, retain, and reactivate. (Also, to get skinny and tan. haha.) But really, to liven this place up. Here, it's a District that is not progressing to becoming a Stake. Church meetings are depressing, not uplifting. The leaders are tired and you can see it by looking at them. I'm ready to just be here and liven the people up. We can't sleep in the time of the Restoration!

This Sunday, we had a baptism. He's the cutest little old guy. He was married to his wife on Friday. She'll be getting baptized on the 28th with their grand-daughter. I would attach a picture, but my camera battery is dead and a long story. I'll send them next week. He's a goat herder and is like 76 years old. His name is Victor Marques and his wife, Delfina. They are going to be super faithful in the church. They love everything we teach. He's the oldest person i've baptized, it's great. He's so cute!

I can't end describing how relieved i feel to be here as a Zone Leader. 100% focused on preaching the gospel and helping other missionaries to be better. It's interesting to see missionaries see me when i walk into a meeting or something. People look up to me, it's strange. Like, they know the calling i'm coming from and where i am now so it seems to give me more validity to the things i say. But, i am really working on leading by example and correcting with love. I'm trying to help the missionaries be more animated and excited about the work that we're doing. Afterall, it's the work of the Lord. Being in the field again has helped me  get back focused on the mission the office, there are things constantly reminding a missionary of home and what not. here, no. It's all 100% missionary work, non stop.

I love y'all and miss y'all. But, i'm not ready to come home. There's too much to do. Too many lives to change, especially my own.

-Elder Hunt

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Zone Leader letter

Dear family of Elder Harold James Hunt,

It is with appreciation that I inform you that Elder Hunt, has been called to serve as a Zone Leader in the Guatemala, Guatemala City Central Mission.  This comes as a result of revelation from the Lord. He has demonstrated diligence, hard work, faith, love and has obtained the respect of the rest of the missionaries.

As a Zone Leader, I will work closely with him to motivate and influence the rest of the missionaries in his zone. At the same time, Elder Hunt will be expected to lead and exemplify every aspect of missionary work.

I appreciate having Elder Hunt as a servant of God here in the mission field. I truly know that he is a special son of God.

Yours faithfully,

Melvin G. Markham 
Mission President

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Email from Dec 8

Well, it's only been two days since i've written last, but i need to take advantage of the time i have. This week, i'll have no p-day! woo! That means i'll have no internet time! woo! So, in order to send my weekly letter, i'm writing write now. It was a good weekend. For only two days, a lot has happened.

Saturday was interesting. A lot of time spent driving thanks to a couple of emergency things! We left in the morning to head over to a place called Antigua to drop off beds, a fridge, and all that kinda stuff to furnish a house. That went without a problem. We got there, dropped the stuff back and headed back. But heading back was way fun. Here in Guatemala, they tend to set up random police checkpoints where they pull over random cars to check if we have anything we're not supposed to have with us. I've driven by many without getting pulled over. It's done randomly without any kind of system. This time, they caught us. They pulled us over. I rolled down the window and the guy asked for my license. I just responded, here's my American license. He nervously responded, i noticed. He did not mean to pull over a car full of North American Missionaries. It was so funny. He like didn't know what to do. He left and went to his chief guy and asked what to do. He came back, looked at our passports then just let us go. It was super funny and super pointless.

On the way home after that, we stopped at Little Ceasar's (yes, they have that here!). We took the food home and ate. Then we got interesting fone calls. We had to take a surprise road trip to a place called Patzicia, in Zone Sololá, which is like the farthest zone from here (three hours with light traffic). Since i'm leaving the office, i offered to go in a heartbeat because i won't have these experiences anymore after! I loaded up the car with Elder Roney, the financial secretary, and we hit the road! Elder Hansen, my companion, stayed behind to work in the area because there were important people to visit. We left the house at like 2:05 pm and got back at 8:30 pm. It was fantastic! Here are a couple of pictures taken while on the way: (Santa! Happy Birthday, Jesus! Waffle House?)

Sunday was a long one! Church from 10am-2pm like normal. After, we had a baptismal service for a man named Carlos Catalán. He's incredible. We found him knocking on doors one day. He let us in. He's a 60 year old man that had recently quit his job to watch over his grandchildren while their parents worked. Really a nice guy. He told us of how he has been wanting to join a church, for that, he was really receptive! He accepted everything we taught, and loved the thought of getting baptized. When we left him the commitment to live the Word of Wisdom, or stop drinking tea and coffee, he answered in this way, "Well, if i'm getting baptized into your church, i need to start living it's rules, don't i?!" No hesitation or doubt. From that moment on, he's been living the Word of Wisdom. His baptismal service was great. He's going to be a great member and really wants the daughter and son-in-law he lives with to join too. Right now, we're teaching them, and their progressing nicely for baptism on the 21st of this month.

Picture from baptism

Then after that, we had the First Presidency Christmas Devotional. It was a nice excuse to just hang out. Here, we watched it in Spanish. I was too tired to even try to pay attention to the Spanish over voice. It was bad. I just kinda slept there the whole time. It was nice. The music came through really bad so we couldn't even enjoy the MoTab singing. But, it was great.

Wow, i can't believe i'm leaving. I've worked in this area with this ward for 14 months! That's an incredibly long time. I literally love these people and they have grown to love me..or at least tolerate me, right? There are many people here i'll never forget. On Wednesday, i'm taking my bags and heading be a Zone Leader in a place called Tiquisate! yea! I am really excited to get outta here though. It's been a long time. I need to get in the field, out of the office, and 100 refocused on pure missionary work. Not worrying about travel plans, visas, fone problems, etc. It's gonna be nice. Also, to lose the weight i've added while being here in the office. It'll be a fun change and i'll let y'all know more about it later on. Like next week.

Love y'all!!

-Elder Hunt

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Email from Dec 2

This week has been strange. It's been calm. Too calm. Stuff has happened, but everything has remained calm. I'm not sure if i like it. I feel like next week will hit me and it'll be such a big surprise. Really, i'm nervous to leave the office because i won't have so much stuff occupying my mind all the time. I'll be 100% focused on preaching the gospel. I do know where i'm going. I've known for a little more than 2 weeks where i'll be going. I pretty much chose the area where i'll be going. It'll be hot and far from the capital. I'll tell you where in like 2 weeks when i'm out in the area after changes.

It's been a really good week. The work is progressing nicely. Now, there's a new initiative by the called 'He is the Gift'. Find it, watch it, and share it. It's a great video! i love it and use it all the time. It brings the Spirit in really strong when we share it with the people. Watching that video allowed me to put a baptismal date with an investigator for the 14th. When the Spirit is strong, people just can't reject baptism and then it's all about them not losing that feeling and enjoying it always. Baptism is so beautiful. How someone can change their life in the matter of weeks and follow more correctly the pathway to God. I'm so thankful for each person that I've helped in this journey.

Right now, i'm in my last five months of the mission. I don't want it to end. That day will be super hard. It'll be weird too because i'll probably fly solo from here to Georgia. A lot of time to reflect. But, i'm not focusing on the end. As a wise man said, 'Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.' I have five months to get more involved and put everything into practice. I'll have a lot of those opportunities between now and the end. President says that i'll probably train again before leaving the mission. That sounds good to me. Training is super fun and it's easy to see fruits of it.

This email is awful. I just can't think of what's happened in this week. Maybe that's because i've slacked so much on writing in my journal. Without writing it, i forget it. I should probably do better at that.

So, this email has just been to say that i'm still alive. Also, i won't write for like 2 weeks. I just won't have internet time. Don't be worried, i'll be alive. It's just a weird transaction from the office to the field. Also, i'll have no P-Day next week, so that'll be exhausting!!

Something fun. As a mission, we have to read Enos every day, the whole chapter. That chapter is amazing. It's so incredible. Every time i read it, i feel the Spirit. Sharing it with investigators is also truly amazing because it's showing how you must pray with faith and answers come. I love it. I'd recommend doing the same thing.

Love y'all!

Elder Hunt

Monday, December 1, 2014

Email from Nov 28 and photos

This week has been amazing. Afterall, it was Thanksgiving week! woo!

On Sunday, we had another baptism! She was a really special case. Her name is Camila. Her mom is not a member because she lives with someone she can't marry. All of her sisters are members and her aunt is the Primary President of the ward. A few months ago, her mom came up to us and was like, "My daughter is turning 8 on the 22 of November. I need y'all to come baptize her." It was super strange but awesome. Her mom, a non member, realizing the importance of the step of baptism. Her service was pleasant. It's nice to know that she has such a great support system behind her. Her aunt is the Primary President for Pete's Sake! Some times, God just smiles upon us and blesses us with easiness in life. We just need to thank Him and He gives more.

This week, it's been a nice opportunity to think upon the many blessings I receive every day. When one is thankful, one is happy. It doesn't matter if you have a lot or a little, if you're thankful, you're happy. if your not, you're not. It's as simple as that.

Thanksgiving was good here! We had breakfast with a Senior Couple of missionaries, The Laws. Then we had dinner with the Markhams. It was certainly the baggiest day of my mission. It was awesome. Thursdays are the days we have P-Day here in the office because it's usually one of the calmest days in the week. This P-Day, we started off by going to look for a new pair of shoes for me. I found a nice pair for $4!! That's it. They are in super nice condition too. They won't be very nice for long, but that's fine. They were only $4 after all. Then we came into the capital to the Laws to have breakfast. A couple of days before, i made a comment of how i really missed biscuits and gravy. What did she make for breakfast? Biscuits and gravy!! It was SO good. I LOVE southern food! It's just so comforting. So, i threw it down in breakfast. I was absolutely stuffed. So, i went and took a little nap on the Laws' extra bed that they have. The bed has a memory foam pad on it. It was the softest bed i had tried out in 18 months. it was heavenly. But then the rest of the gang came and woke me up.

But, at least it shows that they love me, right? 

After the huge breakfast, the rest of the Elders left, but Elder Roney and i stayed behind. We wanted to help Sister Law make the pies for the dinner that night. So, we turned up the Christmas music, washed our hands, and got to work! It was a super nostalgic moment as if we were helping our moms or grandmothers in the kitchen during holiday season. It was great! (Pictures will be at the end of the post.)

Between breakfast and dinner, i ate nothing! I was stuffed all day. Dinner was at 9:30 at President's house. We got there and there was turkey, creamed corn, homemade rolls, mashed potatoes, dressing (stuffing), fruits, green beans, and pies. It was heaven! So, we dug in and ate til we couldn't eat any more, like you're supposed to do on Thanksgiving, right? It was a great time. We got home at about 11.20 that night and went straight to bed. I love being part of the Office, it's so fun. But also, i'm ready to get back out in the field all day every day. (Less than two weeks before i'm in the field again!!)

One of the most Spiritual Experiences happened on Wednesday of this week. It was amazing. It happened with a 19 year old guy named Pablo Chiquin. We saw a miracle. As we talked to him, he received his answer from Heavenly Father. He had been investigating the church for 1.5 years without receiving an answer. That night, he received it. We were teaching by the Spirit about the Spirit. One of the most powerful lessons i've ever taught. I felt ''the surge'' every time i testified. Then the moment happened. I looked at him. Paused. Then said, ''you're fear for getting baptized is...and then told him.'' He sat there impacted by the Spirit, because no man made me know these things, but the Spirit. His eyes shot open and his jaw dropped. I then testified and resolved his doubt. Then silence. In that moment, the Spirit penetrated his heart. He grabbed his chest and said, "i feel peace..............I feel as though God just forgave me and i have forgiven everybody else.............i haven't felt a peace like this in 8 years.............i feel peace." For like 10 minutes, we just sat there. Nobody said anything. Pablo was crying, i was crying, Elder Hansen was crying, and Pablo's girlfriend was crying. It was a miracle. It was an incredible experience that has changed my life. This email doesn't do it justice. At whatever moment during the mission, i will be ready to share this experience. God answers prayers. Of that, I testify and promise as a Representative of Jesus Christ.

In this Thanksgiving Spirit, I would like to say one thing that I'm thankful. I'm thankful for so many things, but at this time, I'm thankful especially for one. I'm thankful for the way the mission has changed, is changing, and will change me. The mission is a miracle that changes people, if they let it. I can promise, I will not come home the same person I was before. Count your blessings. It really will surprise you what the Lord has done. 

i love y'all! I love the mission. I never want to leave. When i talk about home, i don't think about it as a 'Finally!' I think about it as a 'Oh no, i still have so much to get done!' Time is fast and short. Appreciate it and take advantage of every moment given. 

Y'all be safe now, ya hear?!

-Elder Hunt

 Elder Hansen and Elder Santiago

 Camila's baptism

 Making pies

 Pies made

 Dinner with President Markham

 Free shoe shine

 Fell asleep waiting for church to start after a big lunch

Biscuits and gravy