Monday, July 29, 2013

Email from July 29


We will not get bikes here. That's kind of guaranteed! So we just walk or take the public bus system. It's awesome, especially the buses. Walking is hard because we're literally on the side of a mountain. But to be specific about my area, it's El Caminero.

I'll take the picture today or something. Sometime this week for sure!

We get up here at 5:30 to do exercises. Then return home at 9. I never thought I'd sweat so much, it's crazy. But it's a good thing I have these handkerchiefs! (no idea how to spell)

So last week, I went on splits with my District Leader, Elder Hansen. He's awesome. We worked hard, and I impressed him! I impressed him with how hard I work, I'm not afraid to talk to people, and my Spanish impressed him! He says I'll probably be a leader after 2 more changes. Wow. That would literally be crazy! But if the Lord and Mission President see it fit, I'll accept it. But only time will tell!

Thursday mornings are so long. We wake up at 5:30, exercise til 6, prepare til 7, personal study til 8, comp study til 10, language study til 11, weekly planning til 1, then we leave for lunch. That's 5.5 hours in the apartment! Way too long!!!!! I just want to get out and work.

We've had hardcore toilet problems. For a whole day and a half, all 3 of the bathrooms in our Apartment were broken. All three. It was crazy! It was something to do with the pipes being clogged with something. But Aragon made this clever invention. He cut a 3 Liter soda bottle (they don't sell 2 Liters here) in half. Then he kind of used it as you would use a blunger without the wooden handle. It worked like a charm!

We met one day with a less active family. The dad's mom was visiting from Boston. She's not a member, so we decided to give her a lesson. At the end, we got her address in Boston. It was awesome! So we're going to give her address to missionaries in the area that speak Spanish.

We have a recent convert here named Hermana Rosa. She owns a little panaderia that sells American Donuts. She said that every time we visit, she'll give us a free donut! So you better believe we visit pretty often! They are so good, and FREE!

I've started to do a little cooking these days. Just grilled cheese. I'm getting pretty elegant. Grilled cheese is way better than just plain ham and cheese sandwiches.

Yesterday, for Pday, we went to Zona 1! That's the same place that has the huge market. We went there while in the CCM. I had to buy a few things, like a bag and such. Then I bought a couple souvenirs. I hope and pray to visit something like the market right before I leave to come home, so I can load up!!! But we went to Wendy's for lunch! Spent about 72 Qetzals. That's as much as I spend for 5 days of lunch with my cook. But it was so good!!! Got a good ole baconator, fries, sprite, and a chocolate frosty. YUM!

Listen to Army of Helaman in Spanish. It's like 'El Ejercito de Helaman'. It sounds so much cooler than the English one! Just saying.

Mosiah 2:27 (not sure exactly) is one of my favorite scriptures. It's when Rey de Benjamin is giving his discurso a la gente en su reino. El esta hablando sobre el servicio. And how we will always be indebted a Dios, nuestro Creador. In this verse, it says, that God gave us everything and what not. All He asks in return is to keep His commandments. That's it. For all we have, He just asks us to keep the commandments. Simple, really.

Pues, I love you guys. Yall are so good to me. I pray for yall daily and feel the strength of your prayers!!

Se cuida,
--Elder Hunt

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Scripture Pictures

Elder Santiago's CCM companion drew these in Santiago's scriptures. They are of the Title of Liberty. 

 Alma 46

2 Nefi 22 (2 Nephi 22)

Email from July 21

Splits with the Zone Leader was good. He's a pretty cool dude, from Spanish Fork, Utah. So we were talking in English and teaching in Spanish. (more of Spanglish really. It has become hard to talk in solo English). AND WE DIDN'T EVEN GET LOST!! YEA! That means I'm getting used to the area and the bus system!

So here's a crazy rule of just this mission. I can't email other missionaries that are in this mission! So like a couple buddies I made in this mission that are serving here in City Central, I can't email them. That's sad, I really wanted to swap stories during this two years about the craziness here.

This P-Day, we went and got haircuts. I am not in America. This definitely was not SportsClips!! This guy was awesome though. He kind of shaved the side of my head with normal clippers. Then he went CRAZY with scissors and a comb on the top of my head. Then he used a straight razor (like the ones in razors for your face or legs except it was just the blade) to line me up around the edges. It was awesome.

I don't know if this word is common for other missions, but there are things called 'Snakes'. These are Hermanas that will accept a message from the missionaries just because we're handsome young men. This mainly happens to us North Americans. It's really funny, but can be really awkward. They never keep commitments, but will always have us back to teach over and over.

We don't have any baptisms this week. That's actually quite sad. I feel like we haven't been working the right way. So the other day, I talked to my comp about needing to work more effectively as opposed to working harder and harder. Sometimes, I feel I have to take the Senior Companion role in this companionship. But I guess I gotta do what I gotta do to get the work done.

Let me talk a little bit about prayers here in Guatemala. I love them. So we asked this one Hermana to pray. It was the end of lesson. We taught her through her window while we stood in the rain. At the end, she prayed. She started by saying 'Buenas noches, Padre.' What?! What's the next question going to be 'Como estas?' It was so hard not to laugh when she said it. It was fantastic.

Then there's Prayer Competitions. There's one lesson especific. We were teaching 3 Hermanas, all above the age of 35. At the end, Elder Aragon asked a joven to pray for us. So he started to pray. Then all three of the Hermanas started praying out loud too. It was like they were competing to see who could pray louder. Literally. They were like yelling and all this stuff. So funny! It went on for like 4-5 minutes.

I love this people!

My cook reminds me of mom. I don't know if I have said that before. But especially yesterday. We went to have lunch. I was biting my nails (like always). Then she got on to me! Telling me to stop (just like mom). Then I started biting my nails again a couple minutes later and she gave me a look (just like mom). It was just like I was dealing with mom again!

Also, I've found great comfort in my Patriarchal Blessing this past week. I read it for the first time since being in the field. I have started using that as scripture for me personally. I invite all to prayerfully read their Patriarchal Blessings. They are so beautiful and are from God for our lives. So read them!!

I pray for you guys always. I love reading your emails and finding out about life in America. I can't believe I have already been in the field for a month! I have more than 2 months on the mission! Wow, time flies. I'll be home in no time. It doesn't even make sense.

Keep praying. Keep reading your scriptures. (I start reading Jacob 5 tomorrow morning. Yes, I've made it past the Isaiah Chapters in Spanish! They were killer. But after those Isaiah chapters, it's almost like smooth sailing.)

I love you guys so much!!!
-God Bless America,
----Elder Hunt

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Email from July 15

This place is crazy!! I love it so much.

About the DearElders: I think I get them like every zone conference or change day. So like every 3 weeks. So I think I might be getting them this Friday. So tell dad, it's a 3 week layover and such. But if he wants, keep sending them! It'll give me something to read at home while resting before bed.

My cook is awesome!! Her name is Hermana Rita. I showed her pictures of the family yesterday. She kept pointing to Ben and asking if it was me. Every time, haha.

I've been out here for TWO MONTHS!!!! Wow. That is so crazy to think about. The streets for only 3 weeks, but the mission for TWO MONTHS!!!

So here's a crazy proselyting story! We were on our way from one appointment to the next. We decided to knock on one door, and i'm sure glad we did. Some lady opened this little glass thing in the door (everybody has one, it's so they can see who it is without opening the door). They saw it was us missionaries. This lady came running from one end of the yard with a MACHETE!!! She started banging it on the door at us! YEA! It was so funny and scary at the same time. So glad we knocked on that door.

Also, some of these people we teach have chickens in the yard. They sell the eggs and what not. So as I'm sitting their teaching or trying to pay attention, these chickens start pecking at me! Pecking me in the bum and the legs. It's quite entertaining.

So I love these buses around here. Most of them have signs in the front that say "Blue Bird North Georgia"! Yea, Georgia!! Also, I saw this one bus with a big confederate flag sticker on the back. I could just about guarantee that was from Georgia too ;)

These little kids love that I speak English. So quite often, they ask me how to say things. And often, it's names. ¿Como se dice, Fernando? (How do you say, Fernando?) So I try to explain to them that names are the same. They don't usually grasp that concept, so they keep asking with different names. It's funny and helps us talk to the parents, so that's good!

Right now, i'm on splits with the Zone Leader. The other Zone Leader took my companion, Elder Aragon. So for today and tomorrow, I'm with an Elder Rucker. Awesome! Since he came here to my area en Boca del Monte (or more specifically Caminero), I'm kind of in charge! So I have to try to remember where to go, what to teach and what all is happening. Kind of scary to think about, but it will be a blast!

My comp likes to order pizza. So we ordered it for the second time the other night. I didn't really know what I ordered, haha. So the pizza got to our place and it had pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, onions, and mushrooms. I picked off the mushrooms and it was good! But we had dinner one night at a families house (Family Estrada) and they served mushrooms on the chicken. And I ate the mushrooms! Wow, never thought I'd say that! I'm going to come back eating whatever is put in front of me after Guatemala!

So I opened those Sour Gummie Worms a week ago. They are SO good! I love them. I'm tyring to savor them as long as I can because I haven't seen them here.

I've got some super solid investigators, I think. Lasaro, Joel Catellanos, Jaqueline, Miguel Angel, Familia Akino Castellanos, and a few others. I think they are well on their way to progress towards baptism! Awesome! If things go right, we could have a baptism this Sunday! for Lasaro. I'm praying for it.

An Hermana in my MTC district shared this verse of Because I Have Been Given Much. Someone wrote it, not sure who, so I credit her.

"Because of thy life's mission, Lord, I too will serve;
I'll leave the comfort of my home to teach the word;
I'll seek thy sheep who've gone astray;
And those who've never known the way;
I will make thy work my work, today."

It gives me chills and starts to bring tears to my eyes! Sing it :)

Also, an Hermana and Elder in my District wrote another verse for Come Thou Fount about missionary work.

"In thy care Lord, never wandering;
on to do thy work today;
Jesus Christ, my strength, my calling;
is the light, the truth, the way;
I will serve with all my fervor;
lean on thee when I am weak;
For thy cause I'll seek thy guidance;
Father I'll help find thy Sheep"

I love this verse and how it relates to my mission scripture of 2 Nefi 22:2!! Love this kind of stuff!

Also, I found my purpose for a mission in the scriptures. 2 Nefi 26:25,27,28.

I love you guys so much. I pray for you often. Keep strong and true to the faith!! :)

--Elder Hunt

Pictures from Elder Santiago

(I think his CCM teacher)

 (Maybe his CCM companion)

(Maybe his companion in Guatemala)
(I know this one. This is the view from his apartment)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Email from July 9

I got bit by a dog! This dog really does not like me. Every time we go to this house, it yaps at me so much! and one time, it bit me right in the calf! It hurt!! So now whenever the missionaries come, they put that dog away. The other dogs don't bother me, just that one! But it didn't break skin, so I don't have to worry about Rabiis (sp?)

Another story with creatures. I was about to open our gate because we were leaving. Elder Aragon stopped me before I touched the gate. Good thing! I would have touched a caterpillar that, whatever body part i touch after that would start to hurt! And I would contract a fever! Good thing I have Elder Aragon!

Teaching Elder Aragon English is so fun. It's probably what I sound when I speak Spanish. There are some times now, that I can't say in English, it's funny. I only remember the word in Spanish. What a blessing!

I've got a couple funny contacting stories. At least they're funny to me.

We walked up to this one house, and a lady was washing dishes in the yard. I said hey. She said nothing. I introduced ourselves. She just looked at us and said nothing. For like 5 minutes. She just looked, didn't talk. It was a hoot.

Also, there was this time contacting on the bus. Saturday night. I was inviting her to church and what not. She then invited me to her church at 8:30 in the morning! It made me laugh.

Church here is at 2 in the afternoon.

Missed my first Holiday away from America. The 4th of July! So I whistled patriotic music throughout the day. It was funny. I wasn't home sick though. I pray not to be home sick all the time.

On Sunday, the craziest thing happened! We went to go see if a family was coming to church. A member in our ward drives his truck around with us to pick up investigators. This family wasn't coming. The Mom and Dad were both gone (Family Revolorio: Potentially 6 baptisms in this family, so we're working hard!). So on the way back to the truck, we saw this guy. Asked him what he was up to. Nothing, he said. So we invited him to church. And he hoped in the church and came (I think he meant hopped in the truck and came...but who knows!)! NEVER had a lesson before, never before talked to him. It was me and him in the bed of the truck. As we were driving through the town, i was giving him lesson 1 about the Restoration! It was crazy! Just me and him. I had no help from a companion, so it was solely my English (Spanish). It was such a fantastic experience!! I did so well, thanks to the Lord!

P-Day is Monday here. It was fun. We had a district activity where we played soccer. Then went and got pizza. A 14 inch pizza and drink for only 40 Qetzals! Less than $6!

That night, we had a Family Home Evening with a family and invited an investigating family. We read Jacob 4. In the middle of that, 2 people walked in and of the 2, 1 had not had lesson 1. So we started teaching the guy lesson 1. At the end, he said, I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. WHAT?! He was baptized 3 years ago, and nobody ever told us! So then we invited his wife to be baptized on the 28th. This looks to be more and more promising with an already baptized member of the family.

How i feel about time out here. 1 yr and 10 months is a long time. 22 months is long. 670 more or less days seems like a lot. But only 96 more weeks! That doesn't seem to long. Because the weeks here are incredibly fast. I can't believe Ben almost has 6 months!

Read DyC 103:9, DyC 115:5, and Mateo 5:14'16. They all relate in a wonderful way.

Also, 2 Timothy 2:3, 1 Timothy 6:12, and DyC 27: 15-18 also relate in a wonderful way.

Much love! and much prayers!! You guys are the best!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Picture of Elder Santiago's CCM District

Email from June 30

(Hey everyone, this email from Elder Santiago is pretty long. Just wanted to give ya'll a heads-up!)

I'll start my email from two weeks ago. I have two things to say about the last week of the CCM. Me and Elder Caton gave an Hermana a blessing of healing because she was sick. I anointed, and he gave the blessing, but i had my hands on. He said to be healed now. Within the hour, not only was she feeling better, but she was happy and had energy! Honestly a miracle. There is real power in the Priesthood, I love it.

2nd- my Birthday!! Hermana Blackmer really took care of me. They bough me gifts, like candy, another nerf gun, etc. We played some scripture game. At lunch, the chefs brought me out a pastry with a candle. It was awesome! It really was as good as a birthday could be in the CCM. I really wish it could have been with yall though!

We left the CCM on the 25th of June. We shipped out at like 9 in the morning. Went to the president's house, which is so nice! We had workshops then lunch, then dessert (ice cream, cookie, cake, and whipped cream). Then we hit the field. I went with a guy Elder Diaz. He has about 6 months left in his mission. We went tracting in the slums. These were dirt, broken rock roads with houses with tin walls and tin roughs. Literally the slums. We knocked doors and taught some pretty good lessons. It was so long and hard! At like 9 pm, we returned to the bunk house (a house with about 15 beds for missionaries). We were sitting out in the street eating pizza. Whenever another missionary would return, we'd start cheering and they'd start running. It kind of felt like the Amazing Race. But this was only Day 1!

On the 26th, was change day. I got your package the morning of changes! It was just in time.  I was able to show my CCM district pictures of my family. It was awesome. Thank you guys so much!!

I received my companion and my area. My companion is ELDER ARAGON! We are in Boca del Monte. Boca del Monte is right by the city, kind of like Orem to Provo. So, you know how i tracted in the slums with Elder Diaz, that is my area. All these people have tin walls, tin roofs, only one room for bed, table, kitchen and everything. It's really humbling. The people are really humble. I really do love these people. Also, these hills. You know Skyline and G-ma's hill? Those are normal! We tract hardcore up those hills and more steep hills. And the number one rule here is urgency in the work. So as my comp walks, it's easier for me to just run beside him. He's been out for 6 months and I like him a lot. 

Our apartment is quite nice. It's super spacious. 3 bathrooms and a beautiful view! That's one thing these hills give me, a super nice view of the city and surrounding area. Oh, and nice calves...those too.

The culture here is awesome. There are so many little stores on the side of the road. They're behind bars and sell anything from candy bars, chips, toothpaste, deoderant, etc. Super fun. They sell bulsas de agua for half a Qetzal! That's like 6 cents in America, for a good amount of water! And there's chocobananas. Frozen Bananas dipped in melted chocolate. For only one Qetzal! And there's so many little bread shops. So good! and places where they make tortillas. So here on the streets, there is a constant clapping because people are making tortillas by hand. 

In the CCM, Presidente said to never get on the red buses. So i'm like ok, not a problem. But then in the field, we contact red buses. President Brough tells us to. So we get on the bus, stand in front and yell at everyone. WE ARE MISSIONARIES OF THE CHURCH...yadayadayada. So not only ride the red buses, but draw all the attention you can to your self. 

Haven't been robbed yet! Thank you so much for getting me this little pouch i just slip inslide my pants and hook to my belt. It lets me carry money with out worrying about my money being stolen. Genius!

They have served me tamales twice so far. Gross. They have bones in them! So i feel like a noob when i have to spit the bones out. Also gross, MorCafe. For those trying to quite coffee but are members. Disgusting!! 

Rode in a Tuk-Tuk. Like they have in India. I thought either we were going to die, or we were going to kill someone. But nobody got hurt! The guy was like all over the place. on the sidewalks, on the road, and everywhere in between. 

I have been welcomed to Guatemala by the rain! When it rains, it pours. The streets flood and we just keep walking in it. But my umbrella is amazing! literally amazing. It's just about a tent on a pole. Keeps me so dry! Once, we were standing teaching someone during the rain. A car drove by and just drowned me with nasty road/trash water! Ew!

I'm now dreaming in Spanish. I sleep talk. For like 3 straight nights, i would sit up in bed and bear my testimony about things in Spanish. Gospel things like BoM, Joseph Smith. CRAZY!! 

We have a chef that cooks us lunch every day. She also does our laundry. Her name is Rita. She is awesome and the food is so good! 

We have an Hermana getting baptized this Sunday. Her name is Jaqueline. She seems really involved and like a really good investigator. ¡Pilas! (Awesome!)

I have a crazy story about how we met a family. We were in a apartment complex we're not aloud to tract in, but we had an appointment so we were there. My comp decided to make up a random family name and knock on a door. Family Perez. They were like no, you have the wrong door. So we said ok, then shared a quick message with them and a pamphlet!

Then we went up a level and did the exact same thing. This time, the name was Family Ramirez. We knocked and said that we were looking for Family Ramirez. Their name was Family  Ramirez!!! Crazy!! So we gave them a brief message and made an appointment later. I really believe it wasn't coincidence. It was the Spirit. If these guys get baptized, it will be such a crazy story!!

Read Ether Chapter 12 Verse 4. Beautiful!! 

Everybody! Pray on your knees.

Anyway, just a quick spiritual thought. Jesus Christ is our Savior. When he was alive, he loved us more than he loved life! That's why he was willing to lay down His life-for each one of us (John 10:18). And so only he can be our Advocate with the Father. To plea with Him on our behalf. Moroni 7:27-28 and DyC 45:3-5.

I love you guys so much. Please keep praying for me. My protection, my safety, my health, and success!!

I love you guys! I pray for you always!! The Church is true. The mission is awesome!!

-Elder Hunt