Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 8

​I had one of the worst experiences of my life the other day. On Sunday, President Brough called me and said he wanted to have staff meeting the next day, Monday. Ok, that's fine and normal. I told everybody, and it wasn't a problem for anyone. Monday morning, we did exercises, ate breakfast, got all ready to go, and headed in here to the office. We were going to have staff meeting at 11. On the bus ride over here, I gently touched my face and realized...I hadn't shaved! NO! I rapidly started thinking to myself what I could do because I couldn't have President show up and I have awful 24 hour shadow. I came up with a good plan. We'd get off the bus, go into a little store, buy a razor and shaving cream, then go shave in the bathroom in the office before President showed up at 11. We got off the bus and entered the store. The best razor they could offer was a 2 blade, 60 cent razor. Not the best quality. Anyway, I then proceeded to ask if they had shaving cream and the answer was no. So we went to the next store to ask for shaving cream, nobody had it! But that didn't get me down, I'd just use soap (I'd done it before). So I get to the office and walk in the bathroom to get down to business. I got a good three strokes in, and there were no problems. Then, the lights went out! What?! Elder Hunt in a tiny bathroom, a two blade razor, no shaving cream, without lights, with President to arrive in only mere minutes! It's not even needed to say that I got the worst razor burn on my entire face and neck and got some pretty good knicks! Two days later, and I'm still suffering from that event. 

But Staff Meeting was super cool. Probably the last one we'll have with President and Sister Brough. Sister Brough made us cookies. There some really cool things talked about and a different spirit there with us. One of sadness, excitement, and everything between. In the last prayer, Sister Brough just broke down into tears. The love of a Mission President's Wife for the missionaries is incredible. It was a really tender moment. Planning of all the last preparations for President Markham and how it would be. More than anything, President Brough talked to me and the two assitants. I'm super excited. It'll be hard, but nothing we can't handle.

The funniest thing of the week? Well, we were just starting our day yesterday and we started walking down a street. My shoe came untied. No big problem right? Nothing funny to see here, right? Wrong. So, I looked around for something to prop my foot on and saw a nearby car. I thought, hey, i'll go put my foot on that and tie my shoe and we'll be on. So I lifted my foot up and laid it gently on the bumber. Once I rested even a little bit of weight, the bumber of the car just fell to the ground. I knocked their bumper off! Without any words said, I looked at my companion and he looked at me. We ran. I can't believe that bumper fell off so easily! It was so hilariously funny!

On Thursday, we went to the temple as a District. It was so fantastic. I just love the temple, even though it's not very big, the Spirit is still the same. I reflected a lot on the potential that I have. Each one of us are sons or daughters of God, our potential is literally unfathomable. It made me refocused a lot to think of my potential as a missionary, as a person, as a husband, as a father, etc. A good trip to the temple.

President Brough gave me a special assignment this week to clean out our house and organize the storage closet we had. Here in Guatemala, the storage units are built tall, not long. So, we tried to maximize the space we had. This is what happened.

(Oh, this is his new companion)

More pictures

 The Elders in the Mission Office

Fun companion

May 30

Another Bomb Week here in Guatemala!

We baptized a lady that has been investigating the church for years! Who knows why, well, God knows, but she decided to be baptized with us. She is super pilas. Everybody already thought she was a member of the church. So, when it came time for her to be baptized, we had to do it on the down low. We planned a baptismal service with only her family and us. There was the Stake President and his wife, Francia (the one baptized), her 3 daughters and Francia's son-in-law, and my companion and I. It was such a great service. It was super simple but powerful. Afterwards, we went to the Stake President's house and feasted on some Domino's! Within the next couple of years, this Francia will be Relief Society President, for sure. I don't doubt it at all. (Just for future reference, when y'all have baptisms, make sure your companion is included in the pictures to. For this baptism, my companion didn't even bother to invite me to take pictures because I was with a different missionary in another room. WHAT?!Que mala onda, not even including your companion in the baptismal fotos of your convert.)

Another good baptism, was Sunday morning. We have church at 8 am every Sunday, we baptized a guy at 7:20. Awesome! Being baptized and confirmed all before 8:30 in the morning. This guy's name is Giovani. His wife and kids are recent converts, but he wouldn't stop casually drinking his beer. Well, we got that to change! What a miracle. To get him to be baptized was actually a struggle. The Recent Convert wife didn't want him to do it. She would bring up topics like us becoming Gods, like there's no archeological evidence that the Book of Mormon is real, and that we pressure or obligate people to get baptized. WHAT?! I thought members were supposed to help us out with baptizing. But not this one! She was working for Satan. But, we got 'er done!

May has been a month of miracles. Just in this month alone, we baptized 6 people! The area is literally on fire right now, and I hope it never goes out!

Anyway, fun stuff?

My house is huge. It's like a mansion compared to what ever Guatemalan house. Anyway, we cleaned out the tile living room floor and set up boxes as soccer goals. Then we got game time going! It is so sick. We took a video the other day and it is hilarious!! Everybody is trying to pull some fancy moves since there's not a lot of space. We play every night from like 9:40 until like 10:10. I love it. It's a good sweat though since there's no air conditioning here in Guatemala.

Since I'm here in the office these days, we go out and work with the new missionaries between the MTC and entering the mission field. I absolutely destroyed the guy I worked with. It was super funny. He had some fancy dress shoes. Just so y'all know, I walk pretty fast. This poor guy running to catch up. At like 8:55, we ran home. I purposely got far away from the house as to run a long way. He gave it all he had, but just could not make it home. I'm the kind of missionary that runs home every night. Doesn't matter what kind of day it has been or where I´m at, I run.

I got a new companion!! On Wednesday, I felt super accomplished. I helped the office pull of my first successful change meeting. Everything from mini-missionaries to fixing telefone problems. Anyway, I received a new companion here in the office. His name is Elder Clouse, from Mesa, Arizona. I love him. By far my favorite companion. We get along super well and are just killing it, the people absolutely love us together. He's super funny and clever and sarcastic. He's like a really good friend. We've only had 3 days together, but they've been great. I'll send pictures later. As you can see, I had to come into the office at 9:30 tonight to be able to write home this week and to write to president. It has been an incredibly busy with pre and post change things. WOO!

On Tuesday night, to get everything finalized for change meeting on Wednesday, we were in the office from 10 until about 1:30, so we got home at 2:00am. Lucky me, I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to take a missionary to the airport to go home. That was an incredibly hard day. I did not shower. Oops. 'hépaleee'.

Anyway, I love y'all!