Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Email from March 8

Well, it's been a crazy week, that's for sure!

On Thursday, we had a leadership council with President and Sister Markham in their house in the capital. We got up at2:45, got on the 4 am bus, and headed to the capital. we had the meeting, lunch, my companions exit interview, my companions english test, then the travel home. we got home at 5:40 then went to branch council at 6 pm. it was such a crazy day. traveling really does wear you out! but the meeting was really good. we talked about conversion and really plugging in to the powersource, Christ.

Saturday was even crazier. In this week that passed, President Markham took out two missionaries from an area and left it empty. This area had left someone to be baptized for the Sunday. We jumped on the opportunity and went to baptize this guy we had never met. We got to the area Saturday morning at 9:55 am and baptized him at 12, we just had to wait for the font to fill. we show up, present ourselves, and say ''we've come to baptize you.'' To which he responded, ''alright, let me chop this wood, hide my tools, and let's go.'' awesome! At the baptismal service, there were only 4 people present. My companion and I, Pedro (the baptized), and a branch presidency counselor. It was fantastic!

After, we went to lunch with a member family, to the hospital to give a member a blessing, then we had our real baptismal candidate interviewed for baptism. After that, we started a journey to find a house in an area because they will put 4 missionaries there, not just 2. We got home from looking for the house at like 7:30 in the evening! That's like a whole day without working! so we work that last 1.5 hours and call it a night. A crazy saturday, non stop action and traveling.

Sunday, a niece of a recent convert was baptized. Her name is Cindy Rosicela Espinoza. She's awesome. The recent convert will go on a mission around January/February of next year because he has to graduate first. A great support system that she naturally has.

Yesterday, we played soccer. i'm so thankful that i played soccer growing up so i'm not out there like a fool not knowing what's going on. I'm able to actually play with these Latinos and better than some of them. A lot here play a lot, but they don't ever work on technique, so it's really interesting and fun. But man, i am tired today. my legs are worn out and sore! i can't even imagine how i'll be when i'm back home and trying to get into the same fisical shape as before the mission. I enjoy playing soccer, for sure hitting up intramurals again after the mission.

Something that i've realized lately is that i have power over people. It's something that is quite interesting. Either a person has it or he doesn't, kinda difficult to develop. President Markham has it and some other leaders of the mission to do. But there are a lot of people that aren't go-getters or pro-active enough to have power of people. It's not an unrighteous dominion, it's righteous. But without having power over people, nobody really respects you. I've seen myself grow and become, little by little, the leader i need to become. I'm hoping y'all see the difference when i'm home.

Love y'all! be safe and have fun!

Elder Hunt

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