Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Email from Feb 16

It's been really intersting here with my new companion. He's really helped me realize how much i've changed. He does a lot of things that i used to do before i 'spiritually matured' here in the mission. but, we're working hard. i feel as though he's working like he never has before the mission. When i walk, he gets tired really fast and just runs behind me. i'm introducing to him a new level of diligence and hardwork..there's no time to waste.

We had baptisms on Saturday! Can i just say that I hate Saturday baptisms? We say 10:30 and start at like 11:15. so we were like hanging out for an hour just waiting for the baptismal candidates to come and get ready. But, it all went well! Odilia Ralon and Melvin Flores. They are really awesome. I feel like we've just made friends with Melvin and he started to come to church and decided to get baptized. It's a testimony of the importance of inviting investigators to a soccer game. We jus need to get him involved with YSA so he has friends when we leave.

Other than that it's crazy to think that Ben gets home this week....that means i come home soon. there's still so much to do and so much to learn before returning. But, i'll come home happy. In 10 weeks, i'll feel as though i've given it my all. Right now, i can't say that. It's not over yet.

I really don't know what to say. This week has been really calm. Just normal working days and normal people.

Oh yea, something that is really fun is to convince people that i'm from Spain. They totally believe it too! I love it. I love Guatemalans, super gullible. Everybody here in Tiquisate is going to talk about the missionary from Spain....even though he was really from Georgia.

well, i love y'all!!

--Elder Hunt

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