Thursday, March 19, 2015

Email from March 16

Where do i begin? so much has happened this week that i don't know what to start with.

I'll start with the hard times. The missionaries in this house haven't paid the light bill in 3, the light company came and cut the lights Friday morning! In our house, we've gone without light
for fridaysaturday,sundaymondaytuesdaywednesday, and today's thursday. it makes it really hard to do stuff at night and early morning. But the worst thing about it? The fans don't work nor does the fridge. It's so hot here and almost impossible without those two things, but we've survived this long. Lesson learned: pay bills on time. it avoids/prevents problems in the future. what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

On Sunday, we had a a baptism, i'll send a picture next week. i haven't been able to charge my camera battery...i don't have electricity.

On Monday, we were busy. It was our P-day, but it wasn't much rest at all. We went and had breakfast with a member family at 7 in the morning. This member, is an eye doctor. He's a really nice guy and is going to give me a free pair of glasses! free! awesome! Then we played soccer with other missionaries and some jovenes. I really enjoy playing soccer. Then we went to get milkshakes. then we had lunch with our branch president. then we went to the dentist office (another member that does general cleanings for free). We got home, cleaned a little bit, and then went to work again. It was a really good day, got a lot done, but really tiring at the same time.

Tuesday was change meeting and a lot more fun. My new companion is Elder Caceres, from Panamá. I would send a picture, but my camera is dead. he's got 9 months in the mission. I didn't change area, but my whole zone seemed to change, it's really exciting. After the meeting, we didn't want to travel all the way back to Tiquisate and then return to the capital on wednesday, so we stayed in Boca del Monte (my area of 14 months!) I was able to go visit a couple of converts and people that i knew. That was really nice. I would send pictures....but my camera is dead

On Wednesday, we had the conference with Elder Andersen. It was incredible. I couldn't even start to describe all that went on there. Our mission was asked to give a Special Musical Number, so we formed a little choir and i was part of it! yea! a choir singing in front of an apostle! A really cool experience. What he mainly talked about is experimenting the Atonement to be able to share about it. But there were a lot of little things that i learned and picked up on. Gotta love conferences!

Next week, i should send a few pictures.. if we ever get light back on in the house. It should come today, but who knows?

I've oficially entered my last change in the mission. that means only like 42 days left. that's crazy to think about, but it's the reality. it will be nice to rest for a change, i haven't done that in nearly 2 years. Don't worry, i'm focused and working hard. Really trying to make the best of the time left. A lot to do, but little time remaining. We'll see what happens here at the end.

i love y'all!!

-Elder Hunt

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