Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Email from March 2

It's official, less than two months til i'm home. isn't that strange? Time is just flying by here. There's always so much to do. I feel like that'll be a shock when i get home. i just won't be as occupied as i am now.

Who do i want in the airport? Whoever wants to go. If there's a crowd, that's fine with me. If it's just y'all 3, that's fine with me. If people want to go, let 'em go. all i know is that someone has to be there to take me to get released and then home.

It's reassuring to know that all is well with the family back home. At times, i just feel that nothing changes or happens there, but life does continue, huh?!

March has started. but where did february go? this month will be fun. Well, mainly the 17th and 18th. On the 17th, we have change meeting, my companion will be leaving and heading on home. On the 18th, we have a conference with Elder Andersen of the 12 Apostles. Those days will come and go and then it'll be April already. what?!

The work here continues to progress. There were baptisms on Sunday! yea! The three have really interesting stories in their journey to baptism. From reactivation of members to a pure miracle. Everything just seems to be falling into place and going right. I really am excited to find out what's left in store for me in these last 8 months.

What will i do after the mission? What Alma did in Alma 8:1. Switch 'Alma' for ''Elder Hunt'', Gedeòn for Guatemala, and Zarahemla for Georgia. What does it say at the end? ¡Hay que aplicar las escrituras a si mismo!

There are miracles every day. When we feel the Spirit, follow the impression, and something positive happens as a result, it is a miracle. I've seen this frequently in this past week. I wouldn't say that I've received more promptings from the Spirit, but i would say that i've become a lot more aware of them and am more apt to follow them. Los ùnicos impedimentos que hay entre nosotros y revelaciòn personal es nuestra dignidad y disposiciòn de seguirla. As we strive to keep the commandments and repent daily (especially with the Sacrament), we'll be worthy. But at times, we're stubborn or are lacking the broken heart and contrite spirit that are needed.

Keep on Keepin on. Make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today!

Love y'all!

Elder Hunt

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