Friday, February 13, 2015

Email from Jan 25

Things are so good here. I love Tiquisate and will be really sad when it's my time to leave here whether it be in 7 or 13 weeks. Next week, we have transfers and my companion will most likely leave. That means i'll receive somebody new here with me as a Zone Leader. The new missionary has no idea what he's going to come in to: A heat that is almost unbearable. Everybody is always commenting on how i've gotten skinnier. Thanks? 

I did not fast before the mission and did not understand the commandment. I will never fail after the mission. I understand now, so i don't want to lose the opportunity every month to do so. Fasting is necessary. I won't be able to go without fasting. The mission has changed me, observing the law of the fast is one way. 

I didn't tell y'all last week. On the 18th of January, i was super sick. I don't know what hit me, but it got the best of me. I couldn't stand up without having to sit down quickly. I would get worn out sitting down. I was nauseous, head ache, with a fever, and without any strength. I went to church in the morning, sleeping the whole time on the back rows. In the afternoon, my companion went out and worked. I just went to a member's house and slept all afternoon. I miss Sunday afternoon naps. That hasn't changed about me. I am a firm believe of the energy regained by a simple nap. But don't worry. My strength is almost all the way back to me. I'm able to do good exercises in the morning and work all day. Since that one day of being thrown to the ground by the illness, i've worked. 

Also, there was a baptism on the 18th of January i didn't tell you about or send pictures. on the 25th of january, we didn't baptize. First Sunday this change. We baptized 6 weeks straight. But, we've got people for this week and the next. We won't give up until everyone in Tiquisate is a faithful member of the church!

I went on Divisions with the Assistants last Friday. I went to Boca del Monte (my area of 14 months) with Elder Hintze (we were in the office together). It was such a great day. Boca del Monte loves me. He gave me the opportunity to visit some of my converts and so we got a lot of food from them. People see me and give food. interesting, huh? They wanted to get me filled back up again before sending me to Tiquisate again. But that night, emergencies happened that i'll explain after maybe. Long story short, we went to sleep at 2:30am. I got permission from President to drive the car! yea!

Everything is great here. Just working day by day. Seeing miracle after miracle. I'm excited for what's to come and enjoying the journey to get there. 

Love y'all!

--Elder Hunt

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