Friday, February 13, 2015

Email from Feb 8

I can't even believe that ben comes home so soon. it's crazy to think that the mission one day will come to an end. but, i don't think about that too much. i'm so glad to be out of the office and be a zone leader in tiquisate. it's so far away from civilization and i'm so focused on building the kingdom of God and helping the other missionaries reach the measure of their creation. i've never been so focused. 

my new companion is elder ortega, from nicaragua. he's super awesome. he goes home in 6 weeks, so we're just focused on working really hard and leaving it all in the mission field. but, we're also having a lot of fun and making some good memories. even though he only has 6 weeks left, we seem to be really focused on what needs to be done. also, it means that i'll most likely stay in this area until i go home. i would not be against that at all. i love this place and the work is progressing so nicely. i've been here in this branch for 9 weeks. 8 of the 9 weekends have been occupied with baptisms! it's incredible.

this week was full of a lot of travels. it's a 3.5 hour bus ride to the capital. so, when we have a meeting, we get up at 3 and leave the house before 4 to get on the 4 o'clock bus to the capital. we get home from meetings and ready to work at like 6 in the afternoon. it's rough, but it's fun. we made this trek wednesday and thursday. but even amongst the travels, there were a lot of good times had.

we baptized a young man, 12 years old. His name is jefferson jose vades hernandez. he was completely a reference of a family with three young men that brought their friend to church and then presented us to him. we just taught him and baptized him without a struggle. the members are key to the success of missionaries. everybody has a part, especially the young men, the future missionaries. it was a good little testimony builder. pictures are in a different email.

Yesterday was an interesting p-day. we enjoyed our selves that day. for example, we found some good buys in a thrift shop. also, found a guy repping a UGA shirt. I love when people have georgia stuff on and they have no idea what's going on.

today, we had a zone training with the zone. so the whole zone got together and elder ortega and i were able to have a meeting. i was really impressioned by this one. last month's was way good too. we prepare a lot and let the Spirit do the rest. I like to think of these zone leaders as preparing talks and workshops for after the mission. i'll for sure be referring to them after the mission. today, we talked about being obedient because we love the Lord, not because we fear Him. We also talked about what we can do to become more devoted disciples of Christ and become is friends. That part was powerful. The Spirit was strong and testified of the truth. I feel like the zone is really called of God at this time to be in this zone. that's one thing the Spirit taught me today.

i love being here! i'm getting changed more and more everyday. it's incredible to be able to offer this time to the Lord and serve Him with all my heart, might, mind, and strength.

Love y'all!

--Elder Hunt

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