Friday, February 13, 2015

Email from Feb 2

This week has been great.

On wednesday, we got to go to the temple as a zone. Since we live so far away, we had 4 other missionaries come sleep over on Tuesday night so we could leave early. We left here at 4 am to make it on time to the 10 o'clock session. That's how far from the temple we are! We got there at a good time, grabbed some Taco Bell, then entered the temple. I've talked President Markham many times about how going to the temple is to purify us...something we don't 'need' as missionaries. I wanted to go, didn't need to go. Many missionaries were saying that they needed to go, but that's fine..they just don't understand all the way. Running off of so few hours of sleep and getting out of a long car ride, it was a big struggle to stay awake. But, it's fine. After, we took some pictures and those are in another email. We started working in our area again at like 4:30 in the afternoon. A nice day of rest it seemed to be. 

On Sunday, we had a baptism! Her name is Ada Caal. She is super awesome and will be a super faithful member of the church. She's changed a lot, like stopped drinking alcohol and is now living the Law of Chastity. Her life is hard in a way that i can't even imagine. Her family is turned against her (not because of her decision to be baptized, for other things). But whenever a problem comes, she just starts to read the Book of Mormon and that's where her soul finds rest and peace. 

We played soccer on a full field the other day. It was fisically exhausting. Guatemalans do not have technique when they play, it was quite sad. But, it doesn't surprise me that their national team never progresses. Everybody wants to be the star and never picks their head up..but i won't talk about that. We ended the hour long match in a tie. So, we went to penalty kicks! For some odd reason, my team picked me to be the goalie. what?! I saved a handful, others missed the frame, and others went in. After the whole team from each side went, we were still tied up. So, they picked three from each team to take the kicks. I was chosen. made it! so, we won the game. it was super funny. Penalty kicks to decide the winner of a friendly soccer game with missionaries.

It's hot here and only getting hotter. February, March, and April are the hottest months here with no rain at all or clouds. It's going to be a straight up oven, but i'm going to love it. Yesterday, we found out about changes. I'm going to stay in my area and Elder Quispe is going to leave. I'm excited and nervious to find out who my next companion will be. There's always so much to learn from each companion.

Well, that's my week in a nutshell. I've oficially started my last two transfer cyles in the mission...nooo!!!

Luv y'all

--Elder Hunt

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