Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Email from July 15

This place is crazy!! I love it so much.

About the DearElders: I think I get them like every zone conference or change day. So like every 3 weeks. So I think I might be getting them this Friday. So tell dad, it's a 3 week layover and such. But if he wants, keep sending them! It'll give me something to read at home while resting before bed.

My cook is awesome!! Her name is Hermana Rita. I showed her pictures of the family yesterday. She kept pointing to Ben and asking if it was me. Every time, haha.

I've been out here for TWO MONTHS!!!! Wow. That is so crazy to think about. The streets for only 3 weeks, but the mission for TWO MONTHS!!!

So here's a crazy proselyting story! We were on our way from one appointment to the next. We decided to knock on one door, and i'm sure glad we did. Some lady opened this little glass thing in the door (everybody has one, it's so they can see who it is without opening the door). They saw it was us missionaries. This lady came running from one end of the yard with a MACHETE!!! She started banging it on the door at us! YEA! It was so funny and scary at the same time. So glad we knocked on that door.

Also, some of these people we teach have chickens in the yard. They sell the eggs and what not. So as I'm sitting their teaching or trying to pay attention, these chickens start pecking at me! Pecking me in the bum and the legs. It's quite entertaining.

So I love these buses around here. Most of them have signs in the front that say "Blue Bird North Georgia"! Yea, Georgia!! Also, I saw this one bus with a big confederate flag sticker on the back. I could just about guarantee that was from Georgia too ;)

These little kids love that I speak English. So quite often, they ask me how to say things. And often, it's names. ¿Como se dice, Fernando? (How do you say, Fernando?) So I try to explain to them that names are the same. They don't usually grasp that concept, so they keep asking with different names. It's funny and helps us talk to the parents, so that's good!

Right now, i'm on splits with the Zone Leader. The other Zone Leader took my companion, Elder Aragon. So for today and tomorrow, I'm with an Elder Rucker. Awesome! Since he came here to my area en Boca del Monte (or more specifically Caminero), I'm kind of in charge! So I have to try to remember where to go, what to teach and what all is happening. Kind of scary to think about, but it will be a blast!

My comp likes to order pizza. So we ordered it for the second time the other night. I didn't really know what I ordered, haha. So the pizza got to our place and it had pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, onions, and mushrooms. I picked off the mushrooms and it was good! But we had dinner one night at a families house (Family Estrada) and they served mushrooms on the chicken. And I ate the mushrooms! Wow, never thought I'd say that! I'm going to come back eating whatever is put in front of me after Guatemala!

So I opened those Sour Gummie Worms a week ago. They are SO good! I love them. I'm tyring to savor them as long as I can because I haven't seen them here.

I've got some super solid investigators, I think. Lasaro, Joel Catellanos, Jaqueline, Miguel Angel, Familia Akino Castellanos, and a few others. I think they are well on their way to progress towards baptism! Awesome! If things go right, we could have a baptism this Sunday! for Lasaro. I'm praying for it.

An Hermana in my MTC district shared this verse of Because I Have Been Given Much. Someone wrote it, not sure who, so I credit her.

"Because of thy life's mission, Lord, I too will serve;
I'll leave the comfort of my home to teach the word;
I'll seek thy sheep who've gone astray;
And those who've never known the way;
I will make thy work my work, today."

It gives me chills and starts to bring tears to my eyes! Sing it :)

Also, an Hermana and Elder in my District wrote another verse for Come Thou Fount about missionary work.

"In thy care Lord, never wandering;
on to do thy work today;
Jesus Christ, my strength, my calling;
is the light, the truth, the way;
I will serve with all my fervor;
lean on thee when I am weak;
For thy cause I'll seek thy guidance;
Father I'll help find thy Sheep"

I love this verse and how it relates to my mission scripture of 2 Nefi 22:2!! Love this kind of stuff!

Also, I found my purpose for a mission in the scriptures. 2 Nefi 26:25,27,28.

I love you guys so much. I pray for you often. Keep strong and true to the faith!! :)

--Elder Hunt

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