Saturday, July 13, 2013

Email from July 9

I got bit by a dog! This dog really does not like me. Every time we go to this house, it yaps at me so much! and one time, it bit me right in the calf! It hurt!! So now whenever the missionaries come, they put that dog away. The other dogs don't bother me, just that one! But it didn't break skin, so I don't have to worry about Rabiis (sp?)

Another story with creatures. I was about to open our gate because we were leaving. Elder Aragon stopped me before I touched the gate. Good thing! I would have touched a caterpillar that, whatever body part i touch after that would start to hurt! And I would contract a fever! Good thing I have Elder Aragon!

Teaching Elder Aragon English is so fun. It's probably what I sound when I speak Spanish. There are some times now, that I can't say in English, it's funny. I only remember the word in Spanish. What a blessing!

I've got a couple funny contacting stories. At least they're funny to me.

We walked up to this one house, and a lady was washing dishes in the yard. I said hey. She said nothing. I introduced ourselves. She just looked at us and said nothing. For like 5 minutes. She just looked, didn't talk. It was a hoot.

Also, there was this time contacting on the bus. Saturday night. I was inviting her to church and what not. She then invited me to her church at 8:30 in the morning! It made me laugh.

Church here is at 2 in the afternoon.

Missed my first Holiday away from America. The 4th of July! So I whistled patriotic music throughout the day. It was funny. I wasn't home sick though. I pray not to be home sick all the time.

On Sunday, the craziest thing happened! We went to go see if a family was coming to church. A member in our ward drives his truck around with us to pick up investigators. This family wasn't coming. The Mom and Dad were both gone (Family Revolorio: Potentially 6 baptisms in this family, so we're working hard!). So on the way back to the truck, we saw this guy. Asked him what he was up to. Nothing, he said. So we invited him to church. And he hoped in the church and came (I think he meant hopped in the truck and came...but who knows!)! NEVER had a lesson before, never before talked to him. It was me and him in the bed of the truck. As we were driving through the town, i was giving him lesson 1 about the Restoration! It was crazy! Just me and him. I had no help from a companion, so it was solely my English (Spanish). It was such a fantastic experience!! I did so well, thanks to the Lord!

P-Day is Monday here. It was fun. We had a district activity where we played soccer. Then went and got pizza. A 14 inch pizza and drink for only 40 Qetzals! Less than $6!

That night, we had a Family Home Evening with a family and invited an investigating family. We read Jacob 4. In the middle of that, 2 people walked in and of the 2, 1 had not had lesson 1. So we started teaching the guy lesson 1. At the end, he said, I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. WHAT?! He was baptized 3 years ago, and nobody ever told us! So then we invited his wife to be baptized on the 28th. This looks to be more and more promising with an already baptized member of the family.

How i feel about time out here. 1 yr and 10 months is a long time. 22 months is long. 670 more or less days seems like a lot. But only 96 more weeks! That doesn't seem to long. Because the weeks here are incredibly fast. I can't believe Ben almost has 6 months!

Read DyC 103:9, DyC 115:5, and Mateo 5:14'16. They all relate in a wonderful way.

Also, 2 Timothy 2:3, 1 Timothy 6:12, and DyC 27: 15-18 also relate in a wonderful way.

Much love! and much prayers!! You guys are the best!

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