Monday, January 13, 2014

Email from Dec 29

First off, I need dad's recipe to making pizza. A member wants to make it one day. So, if you could send it to me, that'd be nice. Don't worry about translating it into Spanish, I'll take care of that. 

We had a baptism yesterday! Her name is Ligia. She's super awesome. I feel like one day she'll be a future missionary. We kind of did things a little strangely to have this last baptism for Elder Nolasco. This was his first baptism in the area, last baptism of his mission, and brought his total to a nice, even 50 for the two years. We broke qutie a few rules to bring this baptism about, but we had permission the whole time. Rule 1, it says in the Red Handbook that the church must be closed on Monday nights to encourage the families to have their activities. We called President Brough and he gave us permission, so did the Bishop. Rule 2, a baptismal candidate must live the Word of Wisdom for 10 days before their baptism. Ligia drank coffee last Sunday. We called President again for this and he gave us permission to baptize her within the 10 days. All in all, it was a great experience. The hope and prayer is that her parents will get baptized in January. They're super awesome and positive. It's just that the dad needs to attend church to be baptized. They know that the church is true, they've received answers. The dad will attend church this Sunday, so hopefully we can baptize the mom and dad on the 19th of January. If you'd like, you could mention the Melgar Family in your prayers. Thank you :)

Let me remind yall about what's going to happen tomorrow. Tomorrow, Wednesday, I'll complete 3 weeks in my new area. Also, tomorrow is the day that my current companion will complete his mission and go home. Tomorrow, I will receive a new companion, but he won't be a real missionary. He'll be in the state of waiting for his mission call or waiting to enter the MTC. So, after three weeks of being in a new area, I'll have to just about work solo for a little bit. Usually, people have 6 weeks to learn an area and then teach it to someone else, but not me--I had 3.

For Christmas Eve, the people here gave us a ton of food. We received about 14 tamales, a bag of apples, a bag of grapes, a loaf of bread, and half a chicken. One week later, we still have some tamales in the fridge. These bad boys do some damage to your bowels. They taste super good while you're eating them. But, after a couple minutes, you've got to run to the bathroom and ....handle business. It's a vicious cycle. People here sell tamales for 5 Qetzales or like 60 cents. I'm going to learn how to make tamales, return to America, and sell them for 5 dollars a piece. They're super good and they're good sized. It's definitely a sure plan.

On Christmas Day, we didn't do much of anything. We got to talk to our families, rest a little bit, then leave to preach the gospel again at 5pm. 

Guys, no need to worry. We once again have running water in the house! yea! So now, to fill up the buckets to bathe ourselves, we just have to carry them full of water about 20 feet. It makes it a lot more convenient to bathe and what not. It's strange to see the things that I would take for granted in the States. Air conditioning, running water, windows that close all the way, cool air, etc. I just love Guate. It's the best. 

I started reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning on the 19th of December. Right now, on the 31st of December, I'm at like 2 Nefi 25. I love it. I have the goal to read it two more times before the 15th of May. I read it in literally whatever moment I'm provided. I invite y'all to do the same. 
There's so much to learn in 2 Nefi 9. It explains the Plan of Salvation super well, so it's fun. Many people say that us Mormons don't believe in Hell. But we do! As it says in this chapter, there is a death and a hell. Death is the separation of the Spirit and the Body--happens to everyone at one point or another. Hell is the eternal separation from the presence of Heavenly Father. We can't prevent Death, but we can prevent Hell. How? Living the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! Faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and His atoning sacrifice, Repentance, Baptism by someone who holds the restored authority of God, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost by the Laying on of Hands, and Enduring to the End (Progressing to the End). 

Thanks so much for all the prayers. I need everyone that y'all send up to Heaven. The work is progressing. Help the work in your ward! Give the missionaries references. 1 out of every 3 references received is a baptism--said a General Authority. 

I love y'all a lot. I can't believe it's already been 7.5 months. Where has the time gone?

--Elder Hunt

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