Monday, January 13, 2014

Email from Dec 22

 Well, it's been super fun and quite interesting here in Hunapu, Escuintla!

First off, I got the package from Grandma! and I got you're package! Grandma, it took a while to get to me, because of the Mission Office. They saw that you wrote things related to Christmas, so they put a stamp saying ''Keep''. So, i didn't receive it until the week before Christmas. Who knows how long it was waiting there. I'm super excited for the new USB of music. But, all the songs are on as m4a and my little speakers only read mp3 or mp4. I'm going to ask a member to change them for me without any hassle. Thanks for the candy! Still waiting to open the gifts.

The week that past, we had 2 P-Days!!! One, on Monday, like always. The second, was on Wednesday. We had a Mission Christmas Activity. We woke up nice and early at 1:30 IN THE MORNING. We had to travel all the way to the capital to be in the temple session at 6 am. The new video is in Guatemala in Spanish! It was fun. Then, after the temple, we went to a nearby stake center and played sports. I, of course, played a little bit of fut (soccer). President was watching us play, enjoying the time. He even cheered me on!! Then, we had lunch that was fine. After, we had a devotional. President Brough's Mission President, President Perez, came and spoke! So, in this meeting, the daughter of President Brough spoke, Hermana Brough spoke, President Perez spoke, and President Brough spoke. It was super fantastic. We worked that day from 6:30-9 pm. While President Brough was talking, he made us do something. In Lucas, we learn that Christ hung on the cross for 6 hours, 3-9 pm. 6 hours of suffering! He talked about how awful and painful and full of anguish. He made all of the missionaries stand up. Stretch our arms out, like Christ on the cross, and hold it for 6 minutes. While doing this, he put on a video of hymns and pictures of Christ. Longest 6 minutes of my life. In this moment, I grew closer to the Lord on a more personal level. Try this.

Saturday night, was the Ward Christmas Activity!! The Primary kids did a little Nativity Scene that was better than one I've ever seen in the States. I love these Primary kids and they love me.

In one lesson, the best thing happened. My comp and I were sitting there, teaching lesson one like normal. This time, it was my Comp's turn to talk about Joseph Smith. He was going along just fine, until it happened. He was like, ''James 1:5 says, 'I saw a pillar of light...(until the point of 'two personages').'' Then he froze. Despair filled his countenance. Had he really just done that? He then looked at me. It took all my effort to not bust out into a wonderful laugh. I, being the stalwart missionary that I am, didn't even let a little smirk form on this face. I then explained Joseph Smith again and ended the lesson. It was FANTASTIC.

Another lesson pretty memorable. We taught the restoration like normal. At the end, we asked her to say the prayer, and she accepted. Ah, bueno. She started out fine 'Heavenly Father, I'm thankful for this day.' Then it got interesting. 'Please watch over my f-f-fam-family.' Then a dramatic pause filled with sniffs and a few tears. Then she threw out the word, 'Amen.' A dramatic pause lingered in the air. She then said, 'Christ is in my house.' I then testified that she had, in this moment, received an answer. It was FANTASTIC.

So much has happened to me here in Guate. I'm always so happy and so content. I always try to work harder than yesterday and be a better example tomorrow than today.

I have a goal to read the Book of Mormon 2 more times before May 15th. I love this book. It's the word of God!

Remember. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He lives.

--Elder Hunt

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