Monday, January 13, 2014

Email from Dec 15

 So, I went to Changes Meeting, not expecting much of anything. Then the meeting came and passed without much fuss. I left my area and went to my new area of Hunapu, Escuintla. (I'll talk more about the area a little later). My companion is Elder Nolasco, from El Salvador. At Changes, they give like a little bulletin of what's happening in the mission. The missionaries that are leaving, the new missionaries that are coming, and who are going to be the trainers of the new missionaries. I didn't think anything of it. But that night, I looked at it more closesly. This is where the craziness started! As I looked at the list of trainers, my name was there. After further investigation and calling the Secretaries of the mission, I found out interesting information. I was supposed to be a trainer this change! I hope I can explain this so yall can understand how crazy this is. First off, I have 7 months, I'm still so young. Second, I'm going to a new area without knowing anything. Thirdly, Elder Nolasco is about to end his mission on the 2nd of January so I would have to be in a trio, training for a little while. But, all in all, the missionary didn't come on the mission. How sad. But it saved me from all this craziness. So, right now, I'm not sure what's going to happen. Normally, missionaries have about 6 weeks to get to a new area, learn it, and then the companion leaves. But me, no. I have 3 weeks to get to the area, learn it, and be ready to receive somebody knew and teach them the area. On the 2nd of January, I'll receive a mini missionary. A mini missionary is like 17 or 18 that is preparing to go on the mission but hasn't yet completed his papers, received his call, or entered the MTC. Then when the experience with the mini missionary is up, I'll probably train a new missionary this next change. Craziness! I hope yall can understand what's happening.

But yea, that's the craziness in my life right now.

The house I'm living in now is awful. Why awful? Well, here in Hunapu, I'm in the costal part of the mission, so it is HOT. SO hot. Also, I live by two active volcanoes, and they give off a lot of ash. In the house, we leave the windows upon 24/7. So this allows a whole bunch of ash to enter and whatever type of critter that so desires to do so. The house is filthy and it's like impossible to clean. On top of that, there's not running water. In the house, there's one faucet. We must make use of this faucet to wash dishes, bathe, and flush the toilet. How do we bathe? We fill up buckets with water. We take these buckets into the 'shower'. You've gotta get yourself wet, lather up, then rinse off. This is not hot water, it's cold from the tap. It's wonderful. I don't feel at all like I'm living in a super civilized country-because I'm not. Today, in the morning, Elder Nolasco filled up his buckets and showered. I waited for my turn. When it came, I tried to fill up my buckets. But there was no water! WHAT?! To my luck, Elder Nolasco left about 1 gallon of water in a bucket. I used this gallon of water to bathe myself. It was quite the experience. I absolutely love Guatemala.

So, from today on, I have 2 weeks to know the area and be able to lead. I need your prayers with that. The time limit of a normal missionary has been cut in half. My mission has not been easy. Well, training was easy. But then Emergency Changes. And now, this great chaos. I'm a little overwhelmed with what's about to happen. I love how the Lord is truly making me grow and progress. I almost can't believe that the Lord sees me fit to train, but I feel like I can.

I'm working write now on writing another letter. This one is about Humility. It's turning out to be a little longer than my letter on Patience.

Leaving with members is awesome. Leaving with leadership of the ward or stake is fantastic! Just give them like 2 hours. Also, make sure they have somewhere to eat on Sunday! In my last area, we ate with the Stake President every Sunday for lunch, before Church. Here, we have nothing set up. But this Sunday, we bought Tamales on Saturday and ate them Sunday. I freaking love these tamales here, I have eaten so many.

I hope that everyone is reading the Book of Mormon and growing closer to the Lord. HELP THE MISSIONARIES! If anything, invite them over to share a quick 20 minute lesson with y'all.

Next week, I'll send fotos. Right now, my camara didn't connect with the computer. Who know why, it just didn't.

I'm loving life. I love the mission. I can't believe it's almost Christmas. I can't believe I completed 7 months on Sunday. The Church is true. Hunapu is HOT. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I never stop sweating.

I love y'all a ton and hope all is well!

--Elder Hunt

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