Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Email from Jan 6, 2015

Let's see what kind of stuff i can come up with this week.

This week has been incredible. Last Wednesday, we found the miracle that i just sent the baptismal picture of. There's a part of our area that is quite far, like an hour on bus. But, the bus only comes by every once in a while, so it could take up to like an hour and 20 minutes to get there. We went out on Wednesday. It was a process of about 2 hours. We got to a halfway point hitch hiking. We almost decided to start working in that area, but we didn't. We felt like we need to go to Ticanlu. So, we waited and we went. We quickly found out why. We found a guy named Julio. His mom and dad are members and his brothers and sisters are too. In this area, there was a branch that was closed 13 years ago, when he was 7. For the distance to the church, we was never baptized! Like two months ago, he went to church like 3 or 4 times. When we found him, he just straight up said that he wanted to be baptized now that he's 20. We taught him everything in 2 days and baptized him on Sunday, the 4th of January. It was incredible. He wants to be a missionary. He'll be a great leader in this future little branch out there. Miracles exist. But during all this teaching in these two days, we were accompanied by his 25 year old cousin. His cousin loved everything we taught and wants to get baptized on the 18th! His name is Otto. After much sacrifice (traveling) the miracles come. Suffer with patience.

When we hitch hiked out to Ticanlu, we got picked up in a car with a mom, her son, and the son's friends on the way to the beach. Ticanlu is like 10 minutes from the beach. They were crusing with the sun roof open listening to American music. I sure do remember those good ole days from before the mission. Less than four months, huh? wow, that's crazy.

Every once in a while, God lets me see how i'm changing and that i'm not the same person as before. I realized on Thursday, that i've become quick to forgive and forget. Elder Quispe and I got in a little argument because we didn't see eye to eye. I have learned in 20 months, not to get angry. (yes!) But he got upset, but i tried to come up with the solution. Instantly after the little scuffle, i had forgotten about it and forgave him for what had said, but he kinda held on to it. It's super interesting. I'm slow to anger now and quick to forgive and forget. That's going to be way helpful after the mission and in married life.

I'm eternally grateful for being sent here to Tiquiate as a Zone Leader. I've learned so much in this past month. I'm becoming the leader I need to be. The missionaries respect me, for that, they obey. They don't obey out of fear. I've really tried developing into a mix of President Brough and President Markham. And, little by little, i'm being it. Some tend to lead to one side or the other, since they're so different, but i'm focusing on the middle.

Today, we had Zone Training. It was incredible. The Spirit was super strong and the Zone is animated and focused on reaching the goals that we have. I would try to type what was said, but it wouldn't be possible. A lot of on the moment type of things that just happened to make it what it needed to be. Little by little, we're trying to instill in the missionaries a change of heart, mind, and focus. They need to reach a new level of Spirituality and Conversion. That's when we'll see more miracles. If you want to know what was talked about, remind me post-mission of the Zone Training on the 6th of January of 2015, i'll be happy to share. I sent a picture of the Zone and of me with the person i trained and the person he's training. My son and grandson.

Everything is good here, just working on becoming who i need to be. It's hot. I'm sweating. I'm getting tanner and skinnier. What else is there to say?

Love y'all!!

-Elder Hunt

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