Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Email from June 16

I've already had a month done of my mission!! That's so crazy! Only like 23 more fast sundays to go and then I'm home! Also, i can't believe i only have 7 days left here en el CCM. It's almost like I need more time because of my spanish.

So much has happened since i last emailed yall. For instance, we had missionaries already leave. Elders from the Districts of Job and Isaiah. I really like them a lot. Especially like Elders Saunders, Webb, Trone. Also, new missionaries have come in! It's so fun to see their faces and remember when i used to feel like them. But a friend of mine from BYU got here, Hermana Jennifer Bodine. She brought me some pictures of our year at BYU, some pictures just off of Facebook. She's serving in the Teguccigalpa, Honduras mission.

We also had P-day. The pday that we go to Wal-mart. Before walmart, we went to a chapel for like 2 hours to play. We played ultimate frisbee. 2 weekers vs 4 weekers. they (the 2 weekers) outnumbered us like 50-25. It was crazy, but so fun. then we went to walmart. we had 40 minutes. I got some good stuff that i needed (like a nerf gun, tide to go, and some other things) but they didn't have vital things! Como lint rollers! Shoe laces! American stamps! Zebra pens (F-301 series). I need ink inserts for those. and i need new tennis shoes. I'll just buy some here. The ones i have are literally falling apart because our Deportes area is a big concrete slab and is tearing up my shoes. I wrapped the toe of my right shoe with duct tape. Then we were supposed to have lunch at a food court in a mall. We thought we were in the food court mall area, but we hadn't quite made it that far. It showed me how bad my conversational spanish is. When ordering I said, ¡Puedo obtener yada yada yada (whatever the food was)? meaning, "Can i obtain yada yada yada?" It was so fun though to be out in the real world.

Anyway, we've gotten kicked out of our classroom en el CCM because they are doing major construction. So our class is at the church. It's so nice to leave the gates several times a day.

Also, i get to do personal study outside. I've gotten some good sun over these past couple days! I'm starting to get darker and darker like a Latino. woo!

My teacher, whenever he hears us using spanish (I think Elder Santiago meant using english...because wouldn't using spanish be a good thing?). Tells us to do 10 despechados (pushups). So, i've done quite a few pushups here! hahah, but i like it. Speaking of working out, i workout with guys after deportes. We do this things called ABB Club, for our Abs. It's a really good workout and i'm the leader of it all. But last night, we got busted by a supervisor for being too loud, since we were laughing a lot and stuff.

Also, the other night, at deportes, i got in trouble. we have a volleyball net here that is relatively low, not incredibly low, but quite low. and i like to swing hard. an Hermano pulled me aside and asked me to stop hitting the ball hard because there are hermanas and he doesn't want anybody getting hurt. what the heck?!?! But i disregard that and swing hard now :)

This goes to everybody: Kneel beside your bed. I've found great power in prayers as i kneel down instead of just laying in bed and saying them. You're showing humility to our Father in Heaven, your demonstrating your supplication to the will of the Father. Then just pour out your heart to your Father. I find this easier to do before hitting the sheets. Sometimes i just stay there and kneel with pauses in my prayers. My night prayers now and never under 10 minutes, i have so much to say to my Heavenly Father. If anybody is feeling like they aren't being heard by God, do what i do. Give a prayer of solo thanks to Heavenly Father for todas cosas. Then, before ending, bear your testimony to Him. I always feel the Spirit so strong when i do that, and i know that if you do it, you will to. The power of prayer is real and is literally direct communication with Heavenly Father.

Today, thursday, my district is doing a fast from English. I've been doing so well! I definitely see the Lord's hand in my life always. It's so great and I'm so blessed.

In church this past Sunday, i had to speak AGAIN!!! Because we switched branches this week, they had no idea who had already spoke, so of course i was called again. I think it's totally random. But my talk was a lot better this time than it was the first week i was here, that's for sure. And also, it's a good thing i prepared a little bit.

So i've been playing quite a bit of hacky sack during my free time. And i've already busted my shin while doing it. I'm going to get so good eventually!!

People are crazy about their tie traditions here. There's this thing called "Tie of the Chosen". It's where a guy obtains a tie from someone that's about to leave. It's super ugly, but i think it looks pretty cool. If you've been in possession of the tie, you sign the back with a sharpie. The tie I have has about 20 names on it. That means it's been here for quite a while. The tie is not allowed to leave el CCM. Also, I've started a tie tradition. I have that really cool tie that kind of changes between blue and red. It is THE coveted tie among everyone here. I'm going to only wear that tie on the 15th of every month. So then it won't get beat up and it will be less likely to get stolen.

DearElders are great!! And they work out in the field! The more of those that are sent, the happier I am. Also, written letters are sweet! I want to start doing handwritten letters, but i have no American Stamps.

I leave in just a few days!! I'm about to be in the field doing real missionary work!! That's so exciting to think about.

We had a devotional Tuesday night. It was a Zone Conference (meaning all the CCM) and Elder Duncan was there. We sang "Come Thou Fount" and it was so sweet! Even Latinos were like, that song was so good. We asked if they know what we said. They said, not a single word, but it was beautiful and i felt the power of the words. I love music!!

In my district, i've gained the rep of being a scriptorian! Which is kind of cool, whenever people want to find a scripture, they ask me where it is and i help them find it. I really do impress them and it's awesome. A few of my favorite scriptures recently are DyC 6 and 93, Alma 38, 2 Nefi 4, Mormon 9, DyC 101:16/Salmos 46:10. Read those. Pray about them (on your knees). I promise the Lord will testify to yall of the truths of these things.

Sometimes, i try to pray in English to say specific things clearly, and I can't. I automatically revert to Spanish. That's such a good problem to have!

Remember, Remember, PRAY ON YOUR KNEES!!

I love you guys so much, and i thank God everyday for yall. ¡La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias es verdadera! ¡Jesucristo vive!

I love you guys, and i pray for yall often!
--Elder Hunt

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