Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Funny Coincidence

    Elder Santiago had something very coincidental happen to him when he was heading to the CCM. 

    He told this story to his mother in one of the several airports he visited. 

    As a missionary, Elder Santiago is supposed to have a companion at all times, but there are certain cases where there isn't always one around. He was in the Atlanta airport waiting for his flight to Salt Lake City, UT when he saw another missionary and his parents waiting for the same flight. 

    He made his way over and introduced himself to the family. Pleasantries were swapped. This elder was getting off his mission to Mexico and his parents came to pick him up. Elder Santiago said he was going to the Guatemala Guatemala City Central mission. That's where the story gets fun!

    The mother of the returning missionary was related to Elder Santiago's mission president! What a small world. 

    Elder Santiago flew to Salt Lake with his mission president's sister, brother-in-law and nephew!

    Elder Santiago made it safely to the CCM, as I'm sure everyone is aware after reading his first couple emails home. 

    We're all excited to hear more funny stories like this, so please remember to check back on this blog every now and then!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Santiago's Second Email

so many scattered thoughts.

anyway, packages take 3 weeks to get here so send them soon if you send one.

tell dad i love him. and i love you mom.

the church is true! i know it with all my heart.

last night, i poured out my heart to our Heavenly Father. minutes and minutes and minutes of just thanks. not asking for anything. bearing testimony to my Heavenly Father and giving thanks for many of my blessings. my pillow has never been so wet. the spirit was so strong.
i love yall more than you even know. the mission is awesome and time is seriously flying buy.


Santiago also said that anything sent to him should be addressed Elder Harold Hunt. He said he would love to receive packages and letters. But no pictures of Jesus or Mary.

Santiago's First Email

This email is straight from Santiago. I (Stephanie, the sister) will translate parts of it in italics.

i apologize now for bad grammar because these keyboards are not like the ones back home! and i have been so focused on spanish not english these days.

my spanish is way better than i thought it would be after only like a week. i definitely see the hand of the Lord everyday here. the gift of tongues is real and i experience it constantly.

my district is awesome!!!! i love these kids. we are all really good friends now. yesterday, we all kind of bore testimony of stuff and the spirit was the strongest i have yet felt here at el ccm (The CCM or MTC). also, we gave two priesthood blessings last night to two elders. really humbling experience.

our district has had the opportunity to teach a real investigador Marcos. he works at el ccm but is not a member. the whole district, 5 companionships, has taught him all in a row over 4 days. that means 20 lessons in 4 days. he was so interested in the church and el libro de mormon (The Book of Mormon) the first day. mi companero y i (My companion and I) gave him a libro de mormon. i marked some of my favorite verses---ether 12:6, mormon 9:27, moroni 10:4-6, 2 nefi 31 (Nephi 31), and a few more. i asked if he would read those and pray about them. he did and he told me the spirit witnessed to him of the truth. all three days, me and mi companero, elder fulcher, have been the last to teach. so we gave him the ldm the first day. on the second day, he told us the spirit witnessed to him. after our lesson the 2nd day, i invited him to baptism. he said he wasnt sure because his mom would not be happy with his decision. i gave him some advice and told him to put his faith in Christ because all things are possible through him, i also told him to pray for this cause. on the third day, when elder fulcher and i walked up to him. all we said was hola, como esta. he said muy bien. i've decided to get baptized. HE COMMITED TO BEING BAPTIZED ON THE 8TH OF JUNE!!!!! i was so happy. he was so happy. he knows the gospel is true. on the fourth day, we taught him some more. i then asked him to bear his testimony to us. the most simple, humble, and amazing testimony because it was so new and fresh. i almost can't believe we've commited someone to baptism before leaving el CCM. The spirit is amazing and i felt it every single time i talk to him.

El CCM is awesome. the beds aren't super comfy, but after a long day, i'm out like a light.
the food here is SOOOOO good. love me some latino food. except it's not all you can eat, but i got the hermanas in my district to give me the left overs of their comida--i mean food.

did i mention my district is awesome? cuz they are.

The dias here are long, but the semanas are so short and fast!! (The days here are long, but the weeks are so short and fast!!)

the templo yesterday was awesome. it's so small, but the spirit is still so strong!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Official Contact Information

Elder Santiago leaves Tuesday for his LDS mission!

Here is all his contact information: 

     His email will be

     His mailing address for the MTC/CCM is
Elder Harold James Hunt
Guatemala Guatemala City Central Mission
Guatemala Missionary Training Center
Bulevar Vista Hermosa 23-71
Vista Hermosa I, Zona 15
Guatemala City 01015

Elder Santiago would appreciate all letters he gets! 

And once again, mailing directly to the MTC/CCM is risky and can have strict guidelines to follow. We recommend using to send letters to Elder Santiago. 

This is all so exciting!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reminder On How To Write Elder Santiago When He's In The CCM

Elder Santiago will be entering the CCM (Guatemala MTC) in just a few short weeks!

This is just a reminder for anyone who wants to write Elder Santiago a letter while he's in the CCM. 

Go to this link here. Next to the missionary picture, you will select the "Guatemala MTC." This is totally free and if you send the letter by noon, he should get it that day! But the next day is just as good. 

It's pretty simple from there. Click "Write a Letter" and fill out everything so Elder Santiago can write you back. He's Elder James Hunt. 

Missionaries always love letters, so don't think you are writing too many. Also, they are very busy and Santiago will be learning a new language, so he may not write back immediately. And writing back parents and family is always the priority. Sorry friends!